Dear MARMAM community,

We're excited to announce our new paper is out! We combined 2 years of
passive acoustic monitoring to detect Amazonian manatee vocalizations using
deep learning and we characterized the vocal repertoire of wild Amazonian
manatees for the first time (abstract below).

Erbs, F., van der Schaar, M., Marmontel, M., Gaona, M., Ramalho, E. and
André, M. (2024), Amazonian manatee critical habitat revealed by artificial
intelligence-based passive acoustic techniques. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv.

The paper is open access, you can find it here:

Call for collaboration:

We would like to build on these results to extend the PAM of manatees in
the Amazon and contribute to the identification of priority areas for
conservation. The objective is to use the current automatic classification
model to quickly detect manatee in other datasets from various locations in
the Amazon (ideally representing different habitat types). If you have
underwater recordings from locations that could be interesting to explore
for manatee presence, please get in touch with us, we will be happy to
discuss collaboration.

Call for pictures:

In addition, we are looking for pictures of Amazonian manatees in the wild
to get the word out about the dangers they're facing and how research can
contribute to their conservation. The pictures will be used on posts (from
short posts on social media to longer blog posts) to illustrate the species
in its habitat and put in context the research using acoustics as a tool
for detecting their presence. We will ensure that proper attribution is
given to the photographer/institution.

You can reach out to us at or

Thank you very much,



For many species at risk, monitoring challenges related to low visual
detectability and elusive behavior limit the use of traditional visual
surveys to collect critical information, hindering the development of sound
conservation strategies. Passive acoustics can cost-effectively acquire
terrestrial and underwater long-term data. However, to extract valuable
information from large datasets, automatic methods need to be developed,
tested and applied. Combining passive acoustics with deep learning models,
we developed a method to monitor the secretive Amazonian manatee over two
consecutive flooded seasons in the Brazilian Amazon floodplains.
Subsequently, we investigated the vocal behavior parameters based on
vocalization frequencies and temporal characteristics in the context of
habitat use. A Convolutional Neural Network model successfully detected
Amazonian manatee vocalizations with a 0.98 average precision on training
data. Similar classification performance in terms of precision (range:
0.83–1.00) and recall (range: 0.97–1.00) was achieved for each year. Using
this model, we evaluated manatee acoustic presence over a total of 226 days
comprising recording periods in 2021 and 2022. Manatee vocalizations were
consistently detected during both years, reaching 94% daily temporal
occurrence in 2021, and up to 11 h a day with detections during peak
presence. Manatee calls were characterized by a high emphasized frequency
and high repetition rate, being mostly produced in rapid sequences. This
vocal behavior strongly indicates an exchange between females and their
calves. Combining passive acoustic monitoring with deep learning models,
and extending temporal monitoring and increasing species detectability, we
demonstrated that the approach can be used to identify manatee core
habitats according to seasonality. The combined method represents a
reliable, cost-effective, scalable ecological monitoring technique that can
be integrated into long-term, standardized survey protocols of aquatic
species. It can considerably benefit the monitoring of inaccessible
regions, such as the Amazonian freshwater systems, which are facing
immediate threats from increased hydropower construction.

[image: UPC Icon]
*Florence Erbs*
Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics (LAB)
Rambla Exposició, 24 | 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú
Barcelona, Spain
Office +34 93 896 72 27 <>,
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