*Upcoming training announcement : Certified ACCOBAMS training for Marine
Mammals Observers (MMO) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operators,*
*For French speaking & already trained Observers*
EcoOcéan Institut (EOI) is an NGO for Marine Mammals Research and
Expertise and is an agreed trainer under the ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the
Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and
contiguous Atlantic area).EOI will be running an ACCOBAMS MMO/PAM
training course to qualify individuals as ACCOBAMS certified Marine
Mammal Observers and operators of Passive Acoustic Monitoring
<https://accobams.org/main-activites/mmo-certificate-school/>). Only
already "trained" MMO who speak French are targeted for this training.
*/When: 12 - 15 November 2024/*
*/Where: Montpellier, France /*
*/Price for this specific training (theoretical MMO + practical
initiation at PAM): 600 euros (accommodation, trips and meals are not
*/Language: the training will be in French/*
The Qualification/Certification:
The ACCOBAMS qualification enables people to work as Marine Mammals
Observers (MMOs) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) operators
across the Mediterranean and Black Sea in 24 countries, where it is the
agreed course requirement for such work. Following completion of the
course, participants are equipped to mitigate noise impacts on
cetaceans, by applying the knowledge, expertise and skills acquired
during the training course, and to use the standard procedures, forms
and manuals, in accordance with the ACCOBAMS guidelines.
Speakers and Presenters:
Dr Léa David and Nathalie Di-Méglio senior scientists at EcoOcéan
Institut and the international MMO/PAM operator Paul Batard-Tanguy.
*Requirements: *
·Graduated/current student in biology or ecology or have experience that
demonstrates a commitment to the environment and its conservation, or
people already MMO from other certification.
·*Minimum 30 days working with marine mammals at sea*
·Basic knowledge to recognize the different species and understand the
behaviour of animals at sea
·Ability to communicate in English
·Laptop + headphone
*Send an email to postulate with CV and references of missions at sea
before 31th October 2024 at : **cont...@ecoocean-institut.org*
Topics Covered in the ACCOBAMS Training Course:
·Introduction to underwater acoustics
·Introduction to marine mammals of the Mediterranean and Black Seas
(identification, distribution, ecology).
·Introduction to human activities generating underwater noise
·Introduction to impacts on marine mammals and other marine life
·Introduction to existing regulations (national to international),
mitigation procedures and ACCOBAMS Guidelines
·Introduction to the role of MMO
·Introduction to the role of PAM
·Introduction to the “life style” onboard
Dr en cétologie (PhD)
EcoOcéan Institut
18 rue des Hospices
34090 Montpellier
+33 (0)467842887
+33 (0)609496839
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