We are pleased to announce that the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal 
Symposium (SEAMAMMS) will be held in Jacksonville, FL on April 4-6, 2025. This 
year's symposium will be co-hosted by the University of North Florida and 
Jacksonville University.

SEAMAMMS is a long-standing, regional, scientific marine mammal meeting that is 
held annually. This symposium is open to all presenters and is 
student-oriented. SEAMAMMS serves as a significant and supportive venue for 
graduate and undergraduate students to present their research and network with 
mentors and experts in the marine mammal field. Preference will be given to 
marine mammal research conducted in the mid-Atlantic and southeast US or 
conducted by students and other researchers from this region. Presentation 
formats include oral, speed talks, and posters; awards will be given to the 
best student presenter in each format at both the graduate and undergraduate 
levels. The website is currently under construction, but we plan to have 
additional info available in December.

We hope to see you in Jacksonville this April!



Quincy Anne Gibson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Coastal & Marine Biology Flagship Program

University of North Florida

1 UNF Drive

Jacksonville, FL 32224



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