Dear colleagues,
Dolphin Research Center (DRC) invites applications for a postdoctoral
researcher to join our research group studying dolphin cognition,
behavior, and welfare. DRC is a not-for-profit education and research
facility, home to a family of dolphins and sea lions, located in the
Florida Keys.
The successful candidate should hold a PhD in comparative psychology,
zoology, animal behavior, animal welfare, or a related field. The
specific area of specialization is open to negotiation. This
postdoctoral position will be responsible for coding, analyzing, and
publishing studies using existing data sets, and will also have the
opportunity to collaboratively design and conduct novel research
projects in their area of interest.
Our ideal candidate will have:
• a proven track record of peer-reviewed publications
• the ability to communicate scientific concepts and arguments clearly
and compellingly, both orally and in writing
• an excellent understanding of study design and statistics
• the ability to work well both independently and as part of a team
The position is for one year initially, with a possibility of renewal
contingent on performance and mutual satisfaction. Starting date is
To apply, please submit the following to, with the
subject line “Postdoc application”:
• a cover letter describing your motivation, research interests,
experience, and goals
• your CV
• pdfs of up to 2 of your key publications or submitted manuscripts
• contact information for 2 academic references
For further information, please contact Dr. Kelly Jaakkola at
Kelly Jaakkola, PhD
Director of Research
Dolphin Research Center
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