Dear MARMAMers,

We are excited to share our new paper on fishing bans for dolphin bycatch
mitigation and their unintended social and ecological impacts, published in
Ocean & Coastal Management.

Links to access the paper:

   - (free PDF until November
   02, 2024)

Citation: Dalpaz, L., Daura-Jorge, F. G., Lewison, R., Zank, S., &
Hanazaki, N. (2024). Fishers' perception and activity shifts in a dolphin
bycatch mitigation context. Ocean & Coastal Management, 258, 107375.

In this study, we explored the unintended consequences of fishing exclusion
zones aimed at reducing bycatch of the endangered Lahille’s bottlenose
dolphins in southern Brazil. Through a case study in a coastal lagoon, we
examined local fishers' socioeconomic conditions and their reliance on
dolphin-cooperative fishing. Our findings reveal significant social
disparities among fishers and show how bycatch mitigation efforts may
unintentionally push them toward harmful practices like shrimp trawling,
further threatening the ecosystem. We emphasize the need for participatory
governance and alternative strategies to balance conservation goals with
the livelihoods of small-scale fishers.

Please feel free to email me for a PDF copy if you have any issues with the

All my best,
Larissa Dalpaz
MARMAM mailing list

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