Dear colleagues, You are invited! The Cachalote Consortium Workshop 2024 will take place on the 9th of November at the Biennial conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy in Perth, Australia. Due to the global interest in the workshop and our goal of making this event as inclusive as possible, the workshop will be entirely virtual, with a social gathering afterwards for those in town for the conference.
About the workshop. The Cachalote Consortium was created in 2005 with the goal of bringing sperm whale researchers from multiple disciplines together to promote understanding of global patterns of sperm whale biology, ecology, and conservation. The 2024 workshop continues this tradition and will provide a forum for presenting progress, trading ideas, exchanging and standardizing methodologies, identifying knowledge gaps, inspiring new collaborations, and fostering the next generation of sperm whale scientists. In parallel with the theme of this year’s Biennial, we are encouraging you to share your ideas on culture and conservation of sperm whale societies and to share progress on your use of open science and new technologies that promote understanding of sperm whales at multiple scales: social, regional, and global. We anticipate organizing this year's workshop by topic, with keynote talks followed by short presentations, and group discussion. Interested in attending and/or giving a talk? As we prepare for the workshop, please use this Google form<> to register to attend and to indicate if you are interested in giving a presentation. Please submit your answers by 4 October 2024. Depending on the responses, we will organize the speakers by topic, such as (but not limited to): “sperm whales and indigenous cultures and approaches,” "trophic ecology and habitat," "behavior, sociality and culture," "open data and methods,” human impacts and fishery interactions,” “conservation and management,” etc. Questions? Please reach out to us at<> More details to follow. Thank you! Sarah, Mauricio, Ana, and Taylor Ana Eguiguren (she/her) PhD Student Whitehead Lab Dalhousie University
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