Dear MARMAM community,

My co-authors and I are pleased to share with you our new paper on historical 
killings of small cetaceans in Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual 

Petitguyot, M.A.C., Bearzi, G., van den Hurk, Y., Tejedor Fuentes, M., and 
Pierce, G.J. 2024. Intentional killings and culling of small cetaceans due to 
perceived competition with fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea and Northeast 
Atlantic between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Oceanography and 
Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 62: 120-162.

The paper is open access and available online at:


Between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, many small cetaceans 
(particularly dolphins) were killed in large numbers off the coasts of Europe 
and North Africa, due to perceived competition with fisheries. Dolphins were 
long considered as pests, responsible for reduced fish catches and damage to 
fishing gear. This conflict was particularly acute between the second half of 
the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, when 
governments from various countries encouraged and subsidised the extermination 
of small cetaceans. While the precise number of killings and the effects these 
had on the past and current status of cetacean populations are largely unknown, 
historical records and osteological collections can help us appreciate their 
magnitude. Here we first summarise information available regarding conflict 
between fishers and small cetaceans in various countries around the 
Mediterranean and Northeast Atlantic. Then, based on an extensive analysis of 
historical literature that included landing and bounty reports, and on a review 
of osteological collections, we provide new and extensive information on 
conflicts in France and Algeria. For France and Algeria, we (1) provide 
information regarding the context and chronology of killings and culling 
campaigns, (2) describe the methods used to deter and kill cetaceans, (3) 
identify the species affected, and (4) attempt to quantify the number of 
individuals killed. Our results suggest that tens of thousands of small 
cetaceans were killed in France and Algeria, primarily between the 1880s and 
the 1930s. Total mortality of small cetaceans due to human conflict in the 
Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic is certainly much higher, as that 
includes the killings in all other countries where similar conflicts existed. 
Such a high mortality likely had an important negative impact on dolphin 
population trajectories, particularly in the Mediterranean Sea. In the second 
half of the twentieth century, intentional killings largely stopped, but small 
cetaceans became exposed to a variety of other anthropogenic threats. 
Reconstructing past mortality can help us understand current population trends, 
viability and potential for recovery, as well as help us to set meaningful 
baselines for conservation.

For questions about the paper, please email me at

Best wishes,

Marie Petitguyot
Institute of Marine Research - Spanish National Research Council
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas - IIM-CSIC
C/ Eduardo Cabello, 6
CP 36208 Vigo (Pontevedra)

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