We are saddened to note the passing of our colleague and friend Dmitry
Tormosov, who died on October 15th in Kaliningrad, aged 87.  Dmitry was a
Russian biologist who worked on Soviet whaling factory ships in the
Antarctic during much of the period when the USSR was conducting illegal
whaling on a large scale: some 178,000 whales were killed and not reported
to the International Whaling Commission (IWC), and the true catch data were
classified as secret during this time.  Despite orders to destroy the data,
Dmitry preserved the entire catch record of one factory ship (the Yuri
Dolgorukiy, involving some 72,000 records) by hiding the documents in his
potato cellar until after the Cold War.  Those data later proved
instrumental in correcting the true catch record, which has been essential
to the IWC’s assessments of Southern Hemisphere whale populations.  Among
other things, Dmitry was responsible for revealing that the USSR had killed
more than 3,300 southern right whales (many of them off Patagonia), at a
time when the general belief was that the population numbered only in the
hundreds.  Dmitry freely provided his dataset to whoever wanted it, and his
data have since been used by other scientists in numerous research projects.

Dmitry was a delightful man with a great sense of humor who’ll be much
missed for his courage, keen intellect, curiosity and kindness.  A full
obituary will shortly be submitted to Marine Mammal Science for inclusion
in the In Memoriam series there.

Fair winds and following seas, my friend.

Phil Clapham
Bob Brownell
Vladimir Burkanov
Yulia Ivashchenko

Phillip J. Clapham, Ph.D.
Seastar Scientific Inc.
Vashon Island, WA
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