Dear colleagues,

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of our article
entitled *"Detailed Comparison of Acoustic Signals from Rehabilitated and
Wild Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) Dolphins"* in Animals. This
study, led by myself  with contributions from Mel Cosentino, Agustina
Camila Macchi, Juan Pablo Loureiro, Sergio Rodriguez Heredia, Karina Ceilia
Alvarez, Sergio Gabriel Moron, and Diego Horacio Rodriguez, explores the
acoustic characteristics of franciscana dolphins in both wild and
rehabilitated settings.

You can access the article

The franciscana dolphin is a small, vulnerable species often caught in
artisanal gillnets. This study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment
of their acoustic capabilities by using advanced equipment to collect a
large dataset of wideband, continuous recordings. We examined the detailed
acoustic signals of franciscana dolphins, comparing the sounds from
rehabilitated dolphins in captivity with those of wild dolphins near
fishing nets. Significant differences in acoustic characteristics were
found between neonates and older dolphins, with juvenile and wild dolphins
showing similar features. For the first time, repetition patterns in click
production were identified, highlighting the importance of understanding
the context of these sounds in regards to feeding and communication. This
study emphasizes the need for detecting neonates for species protection and
suggests the potential for developing acoustic classifiers specific to
different age groups. Our findings offer valuable insights for conservation
efforts and the development of protection strategies for franciscana

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or for further discussion.

Best regards,

Dra. Gisela Giardino
Grupo de Investigacion Biol., Ecología y Conserv. de Mamíferos Marinos
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP) -IIMyC (CONICET)
Deán Funes 3350, (7600) Mar del Plata,
Tel: +54 223 4752426 (int. 244)
Casilla de Correo 1260-Correo Central-MdP
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