Dear MARMAM community,

On behalf of my coauthors, I am pleased to share our recent article
published in Hydrobiologia.

Antichi, S., M. Rege‑Colt, M. Austin, L. J. May‑Collado, Ó. Carlón-Beltrán,
J. Urbán R., S. Martínez-Aguilar, & L. Viloria-Gómora, 2024. Whistle
structure variation between two sympatric dolphin species in the Gulf of
California. Hydrobiologia.

Dolphins produce narrowband and frequency modulated sounds called whistles
during a variety of behavioral contexts. Dolphin species vary in their
whistle contour composition, frequency range, modulation, and duration, and
these differences can be useful in their identification. Here, we compare
the whistle contours of two sympatric dolphin species at La Paz Bay, Gulf
of California, the Eastern Tropical Pacific bottlenose dolphin, and the
long-beaked common dolphin. Dolphins were recorded (7 h and 1 min recording
effort) from the research vessel with the engine off using an over-the-side
hydrophone and a broadband recording system. A total of 666 high quality
whistles (bottlenose dolphin, n = 415; long-beaked common dolphin, n = 251)
were analyzed. A Random Forest Analysis identified duration, ending
frequency, and maximum frequency as the most important variables that
distinguish the two dolphin species. The most common whistle contour types
of bottlenose dolphins were sine and convex, while the long-beaked common
dolphins produced mainly upsweep and concave whistles. The results showed
that bottlenose dolphins and long-beaked common dolphins differ in their
whistle variables and contours facilitating their identification in future
passive acoustic studies.

The paper can be downloaded at:
If you have any questions regarding our work please contact me at:

Best Regards,
Simone Antichi
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Autonomous University of Baja
California Sur, Mexico.

Il giorno mer 18 set 2024 alle ore 12:58 simone antichi <> ha scritto:

>   Dear MARMAM community,
> On behalf of my coauthors, I am pleased to share our recent article
> published in Hydrobiologia.
> Antichi, S., M. Rege‑Colt, M. Austin, L. J. May‑Collado, Ó.
> Carlón-Beltrán, J. Urbán R., S. Martínez-Aguilar, & L. Viloria-Gómora,
> 2024. Whistle structure variation between two sympatric dolphin species in
> the Gulf of California. Hydrobiologia.
> Abstract
> Dolphins produce narrowband and frequency modulated sounds called whistles
> during a variety of behavioral contexts. Dolphin species vary in their
> whistle contour composition, frequency range, modulation, and duration, and
> these differences can be useful in their identification. Here, we compare
> the whistle contours of two sympatric dolphin species at La Paz Bay, Gulf
> of California, the Eastern Tropical Pacific bottlenose dolphin, and the
> long-beaked common dolphin. Dolphins were recorded (7 h and 1 min recording
> effort) from the research vessel with the engine off using an over-the-side
> hydrophone and a broadband recording system. A total of 666 high quality
> whistles (bottlenose dolphin, n = 415; long-beaked common dolphin, n = 251)
> were analyzed. A Random Forest Analysis identified duration, ending
> frequency, and maximum frequency as the most important variables that
> distinguish the two dolphin species. The most common whistle contour types
> of bottlenose dolphins were sine and convex, while the long-beaked common
> dolphins produced mainly upsweep and concave whistles. The results showed
> that bottlenose dolphins and long-beaked common dolphins differ in their
> whistle variables and contours facilitating their identification in future
> passive acoustic studies.
> The paper and can be downloaded at:
> If you have any questions regarding our work please contact me at:
> Best Regards,
> Simone Antichi
> --
> PhD
> Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Autonomous University of Baja
> California Sur, Mexico.
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