Dear MarMam community, I am pleased to share my latest article published in Marine Mammal Science: Pediatric Drone: Estimating morphometric measurements in spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) calves based on aerial photogrammetry (Raul Rio)
The paper can be found here: If you're interested in reading the full article, please email me for a copy of the pdf: (Raul Rio) or access the follow link Monitoring and assessing cetaceans through non-invasive methods may be used as shortcut to help improving knowledge about these species; many of them are endangered species. The current study was the first to collect and analyze aerial morphological measurements taken from odontocete calves. Aerial photogrammetry data were collected from oceanic spinner mother-calf (Stenella longirostris) pairs swimming together, at a shallow rest bay known as “Biboca”, around Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil. Estimated body length (EBL), anterior width of pectoral fin (PEC), width at the axilla (AXI) and body condition indices (PECidx and AXLidx) were the morphometric measurements adopted. The herein adopted aerial protocol was accurate in identifying mean temporal body condition variations in calves over 106 days without any disturbing behavior potentially associated with the presence of the drone registered throughout the study. The results added new limits to the current morphological local knowledge by registering a 201 cm-long adult individual and a 78 cm-long newborn dolphin. The aerial protocol can be used to assess calf growth patterns in small cetacean species, which, in their turn, can be indicators of cetaceans’ individual and population health, mainly in environments threatened by human activities, like the one in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Happy reading! Raul RioUniversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF ONG Som de Oceano (Ocean Sound NGO) Linktree: Instagram: YouTube:
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