The logo should be removed/displayed in English for consistency. Keeping he translated logo around doesn't make sense, even if somebody put some work into it.
Sgrìobh Antonio Rosella na leanas 16/05/2016 aig 08:28: > I would like to respect both the community and the work done... > > For the italian community, the name of the game is "The Battle for Wesnoth", > so, the logo is not translated ( i.e.: delete from the branch) > > On the other side, someone made the effort, so, i would like to respect and > support this will, if possible. > > If no alternative is possible, ... let's remove italian logo and title > localization. > > P.S: for the image localization, there was a full italian image localization > with the previous map style. Since I was the only one that volunteered > himself for this customization, at the moment most of them are outdated. But > I'm confident that in a next future I'll be able to re-use the work done... > > > -- Antonio Rosella | arosella(at)yahoo(punto)com > > -------------------------------------------- > On Sun, 5/15/16, Chusslove Illich <> wrote: > > Subject: Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Logo translation > To: "Antonio Rosella" <>, "i18n list with all special > infos related to translations" <> > Date: Sunday, May 15, 2016, 9:57 PM > > > [: Antonio Rosella > :] > > Since the italian translation > community decided long time ago that the > > name of the game should not be translated > [...] > > > > Of course, > the simple approach is to delete the png [...] but I would > like > > to have a more general solution > > Why would you like a more > general solution? If it was decided that the name > of the game will not be translated, why should > there be a translated logo? > If it would be > optional that there is a translated logo, why shouldn't > it be > also optional that mentions of the > game name in the text are translated or > not? > I see no reason for any of that. > > -- > Chusslove Illich > (Часлав Илић) > > _______________________________________________ > Wesnoth-i18n mailing list > > > -- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32) mQINBFNbSyEBEADh+uhohycnZgPPnyMs5pZQG6pKyLzFZoIKbVjY31ZoPZ2SdltB elrwn6kFZkQiDx4K6nkZFHsPh8RMvWoFWg1rGiWkdsZessLFawraC8YEZDwtlaU5 SFXbE4+QnMfbPhe9tmC8Nbhec3dfV9zcXAhxc+zkIUsKFhSkpJ2Syvo9FCA/5adW UZgWWKFwlSg4+/lrhJ6QJnldPlXfWcuEasKF7fjdafDIdS5hdKu8Lv+CiPQWvgsi J2BDlZLzEZf3PD+NMujUbJa0nilD2ltu3/qRvR2f86YV6wRwt4E2OD8JJQOau4X2 Pg7vqkIbnB9rMiQ6T17rQ4rc80eesGCxQ6XOba9oa1eRRZDwY7HJtYwvPdw9HZaN Lq2RRbGDGO0q7fxrzbp1WuNN+UXOA/pmVzWWczPfPHVcNIehGf3wQI+Vgh/qa+IZ jLJ25I1Tv85cDzvv5gdtI8PR4JTfK6Db+gUJmsuIg2fmsljxA7OmeTgSPR7nEVq5 VlHYfx1T0uKlthWw/eDwlS44vTgm6HZzIdYqdPMPa/PU1U+WVuDejyDJTn/1TY78 oJMT/IixFR+N+smohhKASprewcsO2ClWGptSG0sRTiCrVHFD3Mt6SCVaxsQLHvek KuNAUXhR2KSvYuqGT0Nv3bplN6svCp4CuAGZ3lyOIt/Sb7OFUwzcx2sOdwARAQAB tC5Gw7JyYW0gbmEgR8OgaWRobGlnIDxmaW9zQGZvcmFtbmFnYWlkaGxpZy5uZXQ+ iQI5BBMBAgAjBQJTW0shAhsPBwsJCAcDAgEGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQ UHP09XBr75NHNBAAxv2C/G13Z1kCFOSOnbPpzqcIDcMuP7RK1Mv5XfOZLfqSw4le gdDmZggX2/EBH6xFTXFPLSE6rVUKTkHLA7IY8D43GBtDWjcIyyuLnIjtR+LhRKCP 3/Sm8MyZMQvUH1CBpUXFNnP/HCR6xjm1Mog5kXxFeCR9PMjeEiobKXIVuMfuNlBD WzoR2Nh+oroXLjZw3VMFewiCyhu4Pe7F3sLpVldiI3PBOyPQOBZ3HEIM490D/Lrh rl3Wwmoug8j8rqkh/Fr+kKaToRJik4PkcxsfepzhMdNfCpr7I3jE5XQHzib5Ubv8 wsSaVNBG92NTnGKoAntWXBUaiDN84St9l+Zm/BgedRk+7wdESHBuOuFXoRc0yEjF 4tLOhyO9u5bYGQWHyJiwhbw51R8G+Kh3OPq/tr4KmsuueEI2v5cLkoDzwCpYyMnu BfU8d0mt5eULbQCWcy7LYeQs6E+CEB+tPL3Qz2zaAAvwt7N2PLMjHf5Fcqj5LqrV mzQfcB9zQFq9Rtld/IIIDkE1y/q/SNFYsFNW/u/bxWsu+lMOYtBco++O5DJhAq6t 7rJXUBirju50hhogHfBL2v6RG1b8/uiWm0m8713ZhiSvpr4Dd+V+DU9nPli5nTmU En6gP7TTYJKETMf7O9i873Z8yG6zd0/fBzFyruS2KRTPV2GiVT6CI37gUtw= =fcOW -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- _______________________________________________ Wesnoth-i18n mailing list