I would like to respect both the community and the work done...

For the italian community, the name of the game is "The Battle for Wesnoth", 
so, the logo is not translated ( i.e.: delete from the branch)

On the other side, someone made the effort, so, i would like to respect and 
support this will, if possible.

If no alternative is possible, ... let's remove italian logo and title 

P.S: for the image localization, there was a full italian image localization 
with the previous map style. Since I was the only one that volunteered himself 
for this customization, at the moment most of them are outdated. But I'm 
confident that in a next future I'll be able to re-use the work done...  

-- Antonio Rosella | arosella(at)yahoo(punto)com

On Sun, 5/15/16, Chusslove Illich <caslav.i...@gmx.net> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Logo translation
 To: "Antonio Rosella" <arose...@yahoo.com>, "i18n list with all special infos 
related to translations" <wesnoth-i18n@gna.org>
 Date: Sunday, May 15, 2016, 9:57 PM
 > [: Antonio Rosella
 > Since the italian translation
 community decided long time ago that the
 > name of the game should not be translated
 > Of course,
 the simple approach is to delete the png [...] but I would
 > to have a more general solution
 Why would you like a more
 general solution? If it was decided that the name
 of the game will not be translated, why should
 there be a translated logo?
 If it would be
 optional that there is a translated logo, why shouldn't
 it be
 also optional that mentions of the
 game name in the text are translated or
 I see no reason for any of that.
 Chusslove Illich
 (Часлав Илић)

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