Subject: Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] untranslated strings
From: Nils Kneuper <>
To: i18n list with all special infos related to translations
Date: 11.04.2010 16:46
> Am 11.04.2010 16:05, schrieb ace:
>> I have translated all string in the core files. But I still see many
>> untranslated strings while playing the game. They are mainly in the
>> descriptions of the commands, in the help window and also at the
>> 'wesnoth command line' (typing :help).
>> For example:
>> I see command definitions untranslated, e.g.
>> ":droid [<side>] [on|off]", while their descriptions are translated.
>> In the 'command line' responses I see "Available commands", "Type :help
>> <command> for more info" or "Usage: :droid [<side>] [on|off]". I have
>> these strings translated in the wesnoth.po file.
>> Then I also found some string throughout the whole program, e.g.:
>> "Default AI" when creating a multiplayer game. Then the tooltip
>> "Sighting an allied unit interrupts your unit's movement" in the
>> Settings/General window.
>> Is something wrong with my installation or is this a common problem?
> Please do post bug reports about this if possible listing all untranslateable
> strings that you do find. Report the bugs at since most
> developers that handle the C++ side of existence don't read this mailing list.
> Cheers,
> Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic


The first part was already reported here:

The second part is here:


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