
I was working on a translation of wesnoth-manpages when I found a link to a 
Wesnoth wiki page. I though I should also translate it for the translation to 
be complete. But I found out no one had translated it yet.

Then I wonder if wiki translation was possible (if it was internationalized). 
In the forums I found a topic about a French translator asking to improve a 
current French translation, so I understood wiki l10n was already possible.

But AFAIK, the current wiki translation are just individual translation with a 
link from the original article. And IMO that's not i18n, just some isolated 

So I wonder...
...would you let me do a _little_ i18n of the Wesnoth wiki?

With i18n I mean:
- A category in the top one (index category) which contain language categories 
(with a localized name, like Category:Galego, Category:Catalá, etc.), which 
each one would also contain subcategories with a localized name matching those 
in the English category (originals).
- A template with localized language names, automatically linking articles 
translations (looking red whenever those translations doesn't exist).
- English articles having normal names, and localized versions following this 
- Also, localized article names linking to those (Like "Consola" → 
"CommandMode/gl"). Also, in case localized title is identical in more than one 
language, localized language name should be added this way: "Consola (galego) 
→ CommandMode/gl", "Consola (castellano) → CommandMode/es".

And that's it. I recently worked with Chakra Developers to do something like 
that. You can see the result here:


And here is an explanation of the way it works (from the translator/user point 
of view):


What do you think?

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