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Hi everybody!
I just wanted to ask all translation maintainers that the correct contact data
is listed in the wiki at [1] and the corresponding translation page. I just
had a conversation with a translator who tried to mail the maintainer but the
address in the wiki was clearly outdated. So please make sure that your
entries there are correct and up to date.
While already writing about maintenance related stuff I'd also like to ask you
to make sure that the translation related credits entries are correct. So
please have a short look at the credits and check that everything is correct
there. You can eg just look at [2] since I updated this page based on the
release of 1.9.10 and there were no updates of the ingame credits so far. If
you find a wrong entry or a missing translator, please make sure to notify me
exactly telling me which entry is wrong or missing and I'll make sure to add
the corresponding translator.
Besides there is also a "translators" forum group. Please ask in your
translation group if everyone who has a forum account and wants to belong to
this group is included in it. If not, please send me a list of those that you
want added. If possible also include if they want this group as new "default"
group. This means the "title" is displayed. This is only relevant in cases
where the translators are already in a different group like artist or
developer since only one title can be displayed.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

[1] http://wiki.wesnoth.org/WesnothTranslations
[2] http://wiki.wesnoth.org/Credits
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