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Am 23.10.2014 um 03:25 schrieb Ignacio R. Morelle:
> Hello,
> The Wesnoth 1.12 release announcement is now *string-frozen* and ready for 
> translators to work on it. As you probably know after reading Ivanovic's 
> email, we are going to have a second release candidate this Friday 24th of 
> October; and then it's our hope that we won't need a third RC and Wesnoth 
> 1.12.0 gold will be tagged on November 1st, and officially announced about 
> a week later to give time to packagers to build and test the game, and to 
> allow translators to catch up with the announcement's translations as 
> well.

For those not following the wesnoth-dev mailing list:

The final release was moved a little due to significant changes in some lib
requirements to fix path issues on Windows. The new plan is as follows:

1) RC3 on November 7th or 8th
2) "Final" on November 14th or 15th
3) Publishing of the announcement about 1 week after tagging of the final

So you still have a little time left.

Btw I just uploaded all translation updates (no matter if announcement or
game) I received while I was on business travel last week. So if you sent
something to me, please check that it is online. If it is not, I either missed
the file or did not receive it, so please resend it.

Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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