I would just leave the string without variables, if possible... These are 
warnings, not errors. Czech (cs) has the same problem; as a result, you can see 
several "no interpolation" warnings for deliberately missing variable. Poor 
solution, but simple, too :-)

Vladimír Slávik

------------ Původní zpráva ------------
Od: Antonio Rosella <arose...@yahoo.com>
Předmět: Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] PO validity report for 1.10
Datum: 20.2.2012 11:39:43

po/wesnoth-tutorial/it.po:1604(#208)[msgstr]: Missing interpolations:

I hope my $unit.language_name survives its counter-attack!

In italian ( and also in other languages that must declinate the adjective in
number and gender) we have to sync gender for adjective "my" and also for the
article that must be in front of the adjective 
i.e. "my archer"
male -> "il mio arciere"
female -> "la mia arciera" 

The only way I can figure is to force the word "unit" to fix the gender to
female ( for italian),
I hope my $unit.language_name survives its counter-attack!
Spero che la mia unità $unit.language_name sopravviva al suo contrattacco!

Grammatically speaking, the sentence is correct in italian, but is really

If not the introduction of a "female^my $unit.language_name", or better, a
female version of the whole sentence...
alternatives ?


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