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Reminder! ILL Annual FullProf School: Material Science - 31 March/04 April 2025 - Grenoble
ILL Annual FullProf School: Material Science - 31 March/04 April 2025 - Grenoble
PostDoc position on powder diffraction beamline of ALBA synchrotron
François Fauth
Millisite crystal structure?
Matthew Rowles
primary Soller Slit
some uncertainties regarding the Rietveld refinement results in TOPAS
Łukasz Kruszewski
building an open database
Maxwell Terban
XRD Mineralogy Set; 50 different minerals
Elena Lounejeva
Virtual crystallographic Calculators V.2
Nelson Duarte
RMCProfile7 and HEA PostDoc position
Rietveld and Pair distribution function (PDF) analysis workshop
Robert Dinnebier
crystal structure of pyrasulfotole?
Matthew Rowles
Proposal call for SNS and HFIR closes August 28
Proffen, Thomas
Alternative suppplier for QPA standards
Jan Rohlíček
Beamline Scientist - Job ID JR101214 - Date posted 06/27/2024
Abeykoon, Milinda
Rietveld school
Khalifah, Peter
pattern fit DIFFAC.EVA 7.1
Pharma samples: prep and data collection
Matthew Rowles
Rietveld ESD calc fortran code typo?
Matthew Rowles
Fwd: rapid access mode for synchrotron XRPD
Fabrizio Guzzetta
15th TOPAS Users’ Meeting
Kern, Arnt
Removing X-ray emissions during X-ray diffraction scanning.
Shay Tirosh
Legendre polynomial coefficient
francois Goutenoire
Reynolds Cup 12 (2024)
Reinhard Kleeberg
Reynold Cup 12 (2024)
Stephen Hillier
Le Bail Armel
Combined Analysis Workshop, Caen 24th-28th June 2024
Daniel Chateigner
Running batch file topas error
Claire Emily Boronski
Fwd: Abstract Submission and Registration: Workshop „Automation in Diffraction“, March, 14-15, 2024 (Garching b. München, Germany)
Anatoliy Senyshyn
Multicomponent quantitative Rietveld analysis of Mineralogical Samples-Any Expert
post-doc opportunity at Columbia University
Simon Billinge
Excluding phases from weight percent calculation
Claire Emily Boronski
Matej Dolenec
Erice 2024 - Powder Diffraction: Advancing Real Materials in the Information Era
Dave Billing
Fitting an unknown amorphous phase
Claire Emily Boronski
PostDoc postiona available at University of Warsaw
Save the date: Workshop „Automation in Diffraction“, March, 14-15, 2024 (Garching b. München, Germany)
Anatoliy Senyshyn
Checkcif, CCDC
Peter Stephens
database for lab measurements
Carlotta Giacobbe
Honoring Bob Von Dreele on his 80th
Toby, Brian H.
Request for CIF file
Mahboubeh Kiani
HiCANS (Hight Current Accelerator-driven Neutron Source)
Le Bail Armel
Step-like basline
Shay Tirosh
The Malvern Panalytical scientific award: 1 day before deadline!
Gwilherm Nenert
The Malvern Panalytical Scientific award: 5000 euros to win
Gwilherm Nenert
Reminder! Registration open until 31 august - Second FPSchool 2023, from 2 to 6 October 2023
The passing of John White, first UK Director of ILL
Alan W Hewat
Announcement: Workshop on exploiting open data for machine learning training: can the Photon and Neutron community do it?
Martin Etter
Out of office
daniel . toebbens