Dear Matthew

I am not sure but using the cell parameters you gave and the restriction
that Ca and Al must be contained in the structure gives only 1 entry in
The fluorowardite, as published here:

The structure would be

ICSD-#248383 - NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)2F2·2H2O

Though it seems that the structure you search would need a doubled unit
cell volume to fit the given stoichiometry (which seems like a doubled form
of the wardite/fluorowardite)

Maybe one could use a subgroup to get that?

Merry Christmas and a happy new year

Stefan Seidlmayer

Am Di., 24. Dez. 2024 um 04:49 Uhr schrieb Matthew Rowles <>:

> Hi all
> Does anyone know of a published crystal structure for millisite?
> It is nominally (Na,K)CaAl6(PO4)4(OH)9·3H2O
> Tetragonal, a=7, c=19.07 Å
> See
> or maybe anything possibly isostructural/morphous? It's pretty close to
> wardite, but has an extra hydroxide and water.
> ICDD PDF4+ has nothing, Various searches on COD haven't revealed anything.
> I don't have access to ICSD.
> Thanks
> Matthew Rowles
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