Dear Colleagues, We are excited to announce that the "Advanced Neutron Powder Diffraction Analysis with TOPAS" workshop will be held from September 24-27, 2024, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in partnership with Bruker-AXS. More details can be found in the following link:<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!DpWhV5PpugfmsVGvtGje9qzgs8GL2uPDaYtOcI372-gorHQ_NikmX2EH1cee1OyCUPJR89_aRxN0$>
Topics to Cover * Rietveld refinement and whole pattern fitting in TOPAS * Neutron powder diffraction data analysis from US national user facility beamlines * Complementary use of neutron pair distribution function (PDF) and diffuse scattering data in TOPAS * Hands-on sessions with new TOPAS functionality for complex structure analysis using neutron diffraction data The registration is free for 25 participants. Preference will be given to active and future SNS/HFIR users who can benefit most from this workshop. Best, Peter on behalf of all organizers Primary contact: Jue Liu ( PS This school is a revival of the "Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement and Structural Analysis School" held previously PPS We are presently exploring the possibility of the option for an online version of this school to accommodate those who cannot be present in person Professor Chemist Dept. of Chemistry Dept. of Chemistry Stony Brook University Brookhaven National Laboratory Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400 Upton, NY 11973-5000 Office: 447 Grad. Chemistry Office: Bldg 555, Rm 340 Phone: (631)632-7796 Phone: (631)344-7689 Fax: (631)632-7960 Fax: (631)344-5815 Web page:<>
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