Dear Davide,
the primary purpose of Soller slits in Bragg-Brentano geometry is to reduce the axial divergence. Thus, a removal of the primary Soller slit will cause
a) strong asymmetry of the low angle diffraction peaks
b) maybe axial beam overflow of the sample, resulting in "strange background" bumps or diffraction peaks from the sample holder materials

a) is not critical, provided that your software is able to fit such gemetrical profile abberation correctly, or if you do not care about peaks say below 20 °2theta b) is always critical, as stupid background or additional "non sample" peaks are hard to describe.

My recommendation: Have a look on a fluorescent screen at the sample position, to see if axial beam overflow exists. If not possible, it is always recommended not to remove the primary beam Soller collimator.



Zitat von

Dear All,
I would like to know how the primary Soller Slits influence the quality of the diffraction pattern, as from some test I did, I don't see major differences in the peak shape. The use of these slits, on the other hand, strongly cut the peak intensities.

Do you have any strong argument to use the primary Soller Slit for qualitative and qualitative analysis?

Thank for your answer


Dr. Davide Levy, Ph.D.

X-ray diffraction lab. responsible , TAU.nano

Jan Koum Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

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