To be more clear, they did not ask for anything except that such a paper should 
never be published!



Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)

Maud: <http://maud.radiographema/>

> On 7 Sep 2023, at 10:13, Jonathan WRIGHT <> wrote:
> Hi Luca,
> Thanks for sharing the links to your method - I hope we can try it the next 
> time we get stuck on identification.
> It is a shame to hear you were delayed for so long by J.Appl.Cryst. Did they 
> ask  you to cite some work from the Glasgow group as the commercial 
> competitor? I have in mind that they were looking at measured profiles too 
> (, 
> Indeed I had overlooked your paper, so perhaps this list is still one of the 
> better ways to reach some parts of the powder diffraction community!
> With best regards,
> Jon
> On 06/09/2023 18:52, Luca Lutterotti wrote:
>> I am glad you find FPSM an inspiring idea, me and my co-workers will be 
>> quite happy if this will results in some citations. The FPSM publication 
>> back in 2019 was a troubled submission. It took us more than 3 years as 
>> initially was just rejected (for economical reasons, as it would be unfair 
>> against the traditional search-match software developed by companies; you 
>> read it right, that was the reason for rejection by the reviewer and the 
>> editor accepted it even if the other reviewer was for accepting it as it 
>> is). We had some discussion, but no way. Then we tried to change journal 
>> (www were hesitant as it would have had much less visibility on the powder 
>> diffraction community) but finally Daniel discussed with another editor of 
>> the same journal and we re-submitted and got some fair reviewers. But it was 
>> long and the first rejection a bit shocking. I thought before you have to 
>> reject for scientific reasons…….
>> Now I am learning that not only at the academic level, but also some 
>> companies selling search-match software are including what they call WPF 
>> search-match, but no one cite the origin of the idea. I hope I don’t get a 
>> second Loopstra-Rietveld case….. ;-) Well in my case I wrote the software 
>> before publishing the idea.
>> That software was re-written from scratch to optimise for the speed and the 
>> method. That’s why we can work with several thousand structures at the same 
>> speed the other softwares work on less than hundreds. I did not use Maud for 
>> that in fact.
>> But I want you to know that the last version I developed on a recent EU 
>> project (not the one online), works also with turbostratic and modulated 
>> clay structures using your model (the Ufer et al.) to simulate them in the 
>> Rietveld. It is a fantastic trick that I use for texture analysis but also 
>> quantification and now in FPSM. Having a quick Rietveld help to search-match 
>> samples containing clays using data even at high angles (more than 60 degs). 
>> I indeed don’t pre-calculate and store structures because when you work with 
>> many of them it takes more time to load all the precalculations from a 
>> database (even the speedy ones) than to re-calculate everything.
>> So I am glad we both made use of each other models/ideas!
>> Best regards,
>> Luca
>> <>
>> logo_unitrento_firma.png
>> *
>> Luca Lutterotti*
>> Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
>> Università di Trento
>> via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
>> tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)
>> ico_fb_32x32.pngico_twitter_32x32.pngico_insta_32x32.pngico_linkedin_32x32.pngico_youtube_32x32.png
>> Maud: <http://maud.radiographema>
>>> On 5 Sep 2023, at 13:49, Reinhard Kleeberg 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Dear Luca,
>>> I completely agree and will be very happy to have a 1D detector with 
>>> sufficient energy resolution to resolve a "pure" Cu Kalpha1/2 doublet from 
>>> W Lalpha1. This would make routine work much easier. IMHO, the biggest 
>>> improvements in XRPD instrumentation within the last decades came solely 
>>> from the detector side, should be continued.
>>> Regarding search-match by Rietveld: Your FSPM method is a very inspiring 
>>> idea. Nicola Doebelin has incorporated a simplified approach in PROFEX, too:
>>> <>
>>> I'm routinely applying a run of ~500 structures/minerals what we are 
>>> commonly using (+- the former QPA database of Seifert AUTOQUAN or from the 
>>> BGMN webpage) for a phase screening of unknown samples, needs ~ 5 min 
>>> without interaction. Than running QPA refinement with the best matching 
>>> structures, clicking on remaining peaks in the difference plot for getting 
>>> a proposal of best matching main line positions in the database, and adding 
>>> these structure(s) to the refinement, running again... This is a typical 
>>> workflow in our lab, no need for peak search, background treatment, 
>>> thinking about artifact peaks...
>>> Best regards
>>> Reinhard
>>> Zitat von Luca Lutterotti < 
>>> <>>:
>>>> Dear Reinhard and Rietvelders,
>>>> It is always a compromise. Ideally we would like the fastest instrument 
>>>> with a lot of intensity (so, 1D or 2D detectors) but no lines outside the 
>>>> Kalpha or even just the Kapha1 like the one of James Cline. But this means 
>>>> a monochromator on the incident beam and you get fluorescence background. 
>>>> Now I like your solution of the Si Drift detector, so you just cut the 
>>>> fluorescence and you don’t need the monochromator in the first place.
>>>> So we are working and we are testing some lab prototypes of a 1D Si Drift 
>>>> like detector to get the best of both world. It is only a lot of 
>>>> electronic, but one day we will have wonderful instrument with only the 
>>>> lines we need and no fluorescence for the background. Actually we use 
>>>> fluorescence for the chemical analysis (quantitative).
>>>> About the search-match problem. Have a look on our FPSM method (
>>>> <>) where we 
>>>> don’t care about extra lines as it is a Rietveld search-match. We don’t 
>>>> need to identify or search peaks. We don’t use peak positions, we just fit 
>>>> with the Rietveld. It is slower indeed, but every day is becoming faster 
>>>> and in a few years it will run quickly on our cellphones (I have a 
>>>> prototype running there).
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Luca
>>>> < <>>
>>>> Luca Lutterotti
>>>> Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
>>>> Università di Trento
>>>> via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
>>>> tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)
>>>> Maud: 
>>>> <><http://maud.radiographema/ 
>>>> <http://maud.radiographema/>>
>>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> From: Reinhard Kleeberg <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [EXT] [External] Re: Step-like basline
>>>>> Date: 5 September 2023 at 08:56:15 CEST
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Reply-To: Reinhard Kleeberg <>
>>>>> Dear Luca,
>>>>> I completely agree with your opinion, and want to add that even for 
>>>>> "trivial" tasks in XRPD like phase analysis and standard Rietveld 
>>>>> refinements the satellites/spectral impurities do cause significant 
>>>>> trouble:
>>>>> - The K beta and W L satellites of strong peaks of major phases like 
>>>>> quartz, carbonates or cubic structures in geomaterials are typically not 
>>>>> automatically recognized in the standard peak search procedures and 
>>>>> therefore misinterpreted to be K alpha peaks and added to the peak list. 
>>>>> I can't tell you how often I was asked from colleagues for explanation of 
>>>>> such "unidentified peaks", and how much time people have spent for 
>>>>> searching for explanation of such artefact lines.
>>>>> - In Rietveld analysis our software must generate the peaks at least for 
>>>>> the measured angular range. Depending on the method how the software is 
>>>>> doing this, we run into problems with the satellites. If the software 
>>>>> generates the reflections from the positions of K alpha peaks from the 
>>>>> start lattice parameters and the (extended) upper measured angle, K beta 
>>>>> satellites of K alpha peaks outside this angular range will maybe not 
>>>>> generated and remain unfitted in the pattern. If the software generates 
>>>>> the peaks depending on the shortest wavelength in the wavelength profile 
>>>>> (more intelligent approach), the software must generate much more 
>>>>> reflections (with maxima outside the measured angular range) and all 
>>>>> these peaks must be calculated over an extremely broad angular range. In 
>>>>> the case of low symmetry structures with big cells or disordered 
>>>>> structures described by partial structure factors and the resulting 
>>>>> extreme high numbers of peaks, the "extension effect" will cause 
>>>>> significantly prolonged time for calculations, without any positive 
>>>>> effect.
>>>>> That's why I prefer to use instrumentation with better monochromatic 
>>>>> radiation (monochromators, high energy resolution detectors) even in the 
>>>>> daily business of phase analysis. We do use our 1D detector Mythen2 with 
>>>>> Fe filter (Co radiation) only for "quick and dirty" measurements.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Reinhard
>>>>> Zitat von Luca Lutterotti <>:
>>>>>> Dear Habib,
>>>>>> Reinhard is right, and what he explained is exactly what you observed. 
>>>>>> Now I would add that I may not define your Bruker clean and optimised, 
>>>>>> because for this kind of samples, wafers and extremely textured thin 
>>>>>> films, it would be better to have a monochromator in the incident beam 
>>>>>> and not a Ni filtered (I would more say it is a requirement). It was 
>>>>>> already showed many times in the past as a monochromator in the incident 
>>>>>> beam is a necessity for this materials to avoid all the "physical 
>>>>>> artifacts" created by the strong intensity and not clean Kalpha 
>>>>>> radiation.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Luca
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Luca Lutterotti
>>>>>> Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
>>>>>> Università di Trento
>>>>>> via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
>>>>>> tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)
>>>>>> Maud: <http://maud.radiographema/>
>>>>>>> On 4 Sep 2023, at 12:20, Habib Boughzala <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Many thanks Reinhard,
>>>>>>> That's exactly what I wanted to say by  "I can assure that our Bruker 
>>>>>>> D8 is clean and optimized!"
>>>>>>> Otherwise, in some other cases of well conditioned thin film no similar 
>>>>>>> phenomenon is observed!
>>>>>>> So, yes, it's obviously possible that your point of view is right.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Habib
>>>>>>> ------ Message d'origine ------
>>>>>>> De "Reinhard Kleeberg" < 
>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>> À "Habib Boughzala" < <>>
>>>>>>> Cc <>
>>>>>>> Date 04/09/2023 11:07:50
>>>>>>> Objet Re: Re[2]: [EXT] Re: [External] Re: Step-like basline
>>>>>>>> Dear Habib,
>>>>>>>> the phenomenom "satellites or edges" originates from the diffraction 
>>>>>>>> process. The critical parameters are:
>>>>>>>> - spectral pureness of the primary beam (primary beam monochromator, 
>>>>>>>> tube spectral contamination like W...)
>>>>>>>> - the use of K beta absorbtion filter (and its thickness)
>>>>>>>> - the energy resolution ("window") of the detector system.
>>>>>>>> Even a D8 system may be equipped with different types of detectors, 
>>>>>>>> slits and energy limits can be set differently for an identical 
>>>>>>>> configuration, and quite often satellite peaks may appear later in the 
>>>>>>>> time of use (aging of the tube produces more W L, Fe filters may 
>>>>>>>> corrode and get perforated...). So it is strictly recommended to check 
>>>>>>>> the instrument peridically, by measuring a full pattern of a profile 
>>>>>>>> standard (LaB6 or Si or similar).
>>>>>>>> Greetings
>>>>>>>> Reinhard
>>>>>>>> Zitat von Habib Boughzala < 
>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>> I would like to send you my witness related to this kind of 
>>>>>>>>> observation.
>>>>>>>>> I can assure that our Bruker D8 is clean and optimized!
>>>>>>>>> In many cases of well conditioned thin film (spin coating or 
>>>>>>>>> controlled diffusion) material this kind of phenomenon is visible 
>>>>>>>>> around the highest reflection, especially when the preferred 
>>>>>>>>> orientation is drastically present.
>>>>>>>>> So, in my opinion, Reinhard and Alan are right, and what is observed 
>>>>>>>>> is just like reflections broadening, asymmetry, shifting ...etc ... 
>>>>>>>>> and can be related to the material behavior.
>>>>>>>>> Now, what is the physical (crystallographic!) property responsible of 
>>>>>>>>> this phenomenon? let's open the floor for a large discussion.
>>>>>>>>> Habib
>>>>>>>>> ------ Message d'origine ------
>>>>>>>>> De "Alan W Hewat" < 
>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>> À "Reinhard Kleeberg" < 
>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>> Cc <>
>>>>>>>>> Date 04/09/2023 09:29:08
>>>>>>>>> Objet Re: [EXT] Re: [External] Re: Step-like basline
>>>>>>>>>> Reinhard is right that it is best to improve the instrument to 
>>>>>>>>>> produce cleaner data. I'm concerned about the advice to model all 
>>>>>>>>>> kinds of features whose origin is not fully understood, simply to 
>>>>>>>>>> obtain a better fit. Shay has told us nothing about his instrument 
>>>>>>>>>> or his conditions of data collection. He asks "Is it a sample 
>>>>>>>>>> preparation problem", to which the obvious reply is "Do you see this 
>>>>>>>>>> with other samples or different materials" ? Only he can answer 
>>>>>>>>>> that. If the answer is yes, he might try modifying his instrument 
>>>>>>>>>> (remove filters etc) to see what effect that has on the pattern from 
>>>>>>>>>> a simple well characterised material. Again only he can do that. 
>>>>>>>>>> Data collection is an experimental science, and data refinement 
>>>>>>>>>> should not be reduced to a "black box" computer program where extra 
>>>>>>>>>> parameters can be added to reduce the R-factor.
>>>>>>>>>> Alan.
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 4 Sept 2023 at 08:18, Reinhard Kleeberg 
>>>>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Can be modeled in the BGMN peak profile model as well, by modifying
>>>>>>>>>>> the *.lam file by a series of additional Lorentzians on the 1/lambda
>>>>>>>>>>> scale, see figure.
>>>>>>>>>>> The same can be done for other spectral impurities, e.g. W L
>>>>>>>>>>> satellites. Also "electronic effects" on the wavelength distribution
>>>>>>>>>>> profile like the "edges" from the ROI settings of Si drift detectors
>>>>>>>>>>> can be modelled in such a convolution based approach.
>>>>>>>>>>> However, better to have a pure/simple wavelength distribution (clear
>>>>>>>>>>> alpha1/2 doublet) by a monochromator or high energy resolution
>>>>>>>>>>> detector, as any satellites make trouble in trace phase analysis and
>>>>>>>>>>> do cause prolonged calculation time in complicated Rietveld 
>>>>>>>>>>> refinements.
>>>>>>>>>>> Reinhard
>>>>>>>>>>> Zitat von Matthew Rowles < 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Topas can model them quite well. The functionality was introduced 
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> version 5.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 4 Sep 2023, 00:54 Kurt Leinenweber, < 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, Are these things modeled in Rietveld programs, by chance? It 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>> like a lot of baggage to put in a refinement but if it makes the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> results
>>>>>>>>>>>>> better…
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Kurt
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From:* 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> *On Behalf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Of *Thomas Gegan
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, September 3, 2023 9:16 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To:* Bish, David L < <>>; 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shay Tirosh < <>>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando Igoa < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Cc:* Rietveld List ( 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>) < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* RE: [EXT] Re: [External] Re: Step-like basline
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree with a Ni absorption edge, possibly with a Kβ peak around 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 38° 2θ.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Tom Gegan*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chemist III
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phone: +1 732 205-5111, Email: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Postal Address: BASF Corporation, , 25 Middlesex Essex Turnpike, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 08830
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iselin, United States
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From:* 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> *On Behalf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Of *Bish, David L
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, September 3, 2023 7:08 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To:* Shay Tirosh < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>; Fernando Igoa <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Cc:* Rietveld List ( 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>) < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [EXT] Re: [External] Re: Step-like basline
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people who received this message don't often get email from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>. Learn why this is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> important
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!fFhSHn4S5iEzkW-O9lvWG-OzoqK_2SKhRniGa71nxuOL3GcxiyD83i2mnNN0Z48HPkn4zjKqH-aqqA$>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Shay,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it is probably related to "tube tails". You can read 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about this in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the literature (e.g., on the BGMN web site) and you can model it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rietveld software such as Topas. You don't normally notice this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> becomes apparent with higher-intensity peaks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From:* 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> on behalf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Fernando Igoa < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, September 3, 2023 3:06 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To:* Shay Tirosh < <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Cc:* Rietveld List ( 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>) < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [External] Re: Step-like basline
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This message was sent from a non-IU address. Please exercise 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> caution when
>>>>>>>>>>>>> clicking links or opening attachments from external sources.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Shay,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you using a motorized slit during the measurement? These may 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> open up
>>>>>>>>>>>>> abruptly to compensate for the angular dependence of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> footprint and thus
>>>>>>>>>>>>> generate an abrupt increase in the intensity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope it helps :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 3, 2023, 8:50 AM Shay Tirosh < 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rietvelders
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am attaching a zoom-in on a diffraction profile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My question is what is the origin of the step-like profile next 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to a very
>>>>>>>>>>>>> large reflection peak?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it a sample preparation problem?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it part of the baseline?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shay
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>> D-09596 Freiberg
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>>>>>>>>>> Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
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>>>>>>>>>> ______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> -- TU Bergakademie Freiberg
>>>>>>>> Dr. R. Kleeberg
>>>>>>>> Mineralogisches Labor
>>>>>>>> Brennhausgasse 14
>>>>>>>> D-09596 Freiberg
>>>>>>>> Tel. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3244
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