that he seems to assume that all women *really* want to have sex with him
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er this goal :)
though I'll grant, your literalness can be useful
issues mailing list
On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> (dunno if you noticed, btw, but the person I was responding to had a male
> name and I presumed the person was male, not female. I don't think, based
> on your reaction, that you were aware of this?)
You'd think having a (female)
have been polarised into "boy names" and "girl names". What do we do with
> the left over names like Chris, Kelly, etc?
one of these days I'm going to change my name to something a bit
more gender neutral (well, *I* think 'Jordan Dakota Catron' is gender
On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Annette Stroud wrote:
> He thinks that random adults who meet him treat him better if
> they think he is a girl; they have different expectations.
Weird. I've found the opposite...I get more respect as a 12 y/o boy than
as a 22 year old female. As if for some reason if I'm f
On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Alexander Sendzimir wrote:
> Don't you think gender-neutral naming is a patch/bandaid on the
> greater issue of stereotype and bias? This is not a critisism. I'm
> making an observation.
But I also think that letting people make their assumptions (based on
On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Jennifer Steinbachs wrote:
> On the other hand, does one really want to hide behind
> initials? And then, sooner or later, people will know
> the name that goes with those initials...
Definetly, but most people, most of the time, are working on unconcious
bias. While there
On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, srl wrote:
> Then again, some of us *choose* names that will deliberately confuse
> people. ;) I'd rather play with people's assumptions about what "male"
> and "female" mean. What better way for someone to question their
> assumptions about gender than for them to assume I'm
On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Julie wrote:
> It's 45" (114cm) from my waist to the damned floor and I have a hard
> time buying pants with the correct rise.
duh question: have you tried men's pants?
I'm one of those ridculously short people with a short waist (I'm not sure
why they call it that, since t
On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yes, but I /do/ that. I buy two or three pairs of pants a year - and
> wear them till they're just about dead in the crotch then buy another
> two or three pairs. The previous year's set will do for emergencies till
> they die completely, by which ti
ing book.
I have Kate Millet's address, and keep meaning to write her (I read
_The_Last_Time_I_Wore_a_Dress_ last february, and it's been on my todo
list since then..bad vinnie). She also has written quite a bit of feminist
analysis that I keep meaning to read. Ah well.
issues mailing list
issues mailing list
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Wood, Mary wrote:
> In a lot of ways, I feel that the biggest obstacle women
> have to overcome to achieve equal status is the female
> gender en masse. For every one of us who is honest and
> confident about her abilities, there seems to be a
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Wood, Mary wrote:
> not what he does know]). I blame mostly social standards, as
> I also believe that **in general** most people are sheep and
> will blindly eat whatever the ruling class feeds them. Kind
> of a pessimistic view I know ... perhaps I've just happened
> to
On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Magni Onsoien wrote:
> After reading more about this issue I tend to feel that parents who, for
> no proved health reason (like immune deficiency), except their children
> from the vaccination programme are terribly irresponsible. Giving the
> recommended immunization to the
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, lou wrote:
> were outbreaks of polio, I remember hearing about them in the news at the
> time. I know many don't like the idea about vaccinations, but the diseases
> are still out there.
I don't think anyone (resonable, at least..I'll grant that there's at
least one guy ou
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Simon Britnell wrote:
> I don't recall seeing anything I thought was a troll, which makes me think
> that some of my posts may be considered trolls.
That may predate you, too. I remember one person (definetly not you, he
knows who he is though) who actually asked why wome
issues mailing list
On Sun, 1 Apr 2001, Rick Scott wrote:
> Seeing as I know a lot of people (myself included) don't read
> Slashdot on anything approaching a regular basis, I was wondering
> if anyone had anything to say about:
> http://tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/sextips/
since no one else has taken this one up.
On Tue, 3 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Assume this is true. It implies that the method used to get sex, or
> girlfriends, or a wife, etc.. is programmatic. I.e. this things are
> predictable and can be behaviourally controlled, and that humans can be
> trained to do them. This is a d
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Rick Scott wrote:
> [1] I don't think anyone here seriously thinks this, but I'd like
> to point it out for the record: lesbian != man-hater, eh?
but just to clarify, lesbian separatism is an actual philosophy and
but most lesbians are not separatists
some sep
On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Julie wrote:
> enough to be my mother and lives in another state ...) and a lesbian
> separatist also has kind things to say about some men.
Agreed. I didn't mean to suggest that lesbian separatist==man hater either
> I don't know about "philosophy" and "practice". I think
eek make sense -- I mean, they might have made sense if
we were talking about linus's pecs or something but I couldn't make
sense of them in light of the fact that all of the topics were
intelligent, though not necessarily geek related...
Vinnie (stating the obvious?)
Reality is a formal
stuff :) (deb would you be cool with that? I can't imagine not, but I
should probably ask :) )?
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
tie in -- in that it is a bad thing and it can't (or at least
shoudln't) be dealt with with censorship..the question being what to do
about it...
sorry if this isn't making a whole hell of a lot of sense, I quit smoking
yesterday and now my head hurts and I can't seem to get t
rious idiots I encountered in one seattle day... :) )
And it's not just segregation of themes -- the idea of adult themes having
adult pics in their screenshots is one thing, and isn't particularly
interesting to me right this moment...it's that the other themes do,
Vinnie (
ging up 'maybe it would be better to
*not* include scantily clad women in your screenshots' and 'you will go to
jail if you put scantily clad women in your screenshots'
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http:
an be.
we'll see..I lack time in large ways
Not to mention I just finally got X recompiled on my box, and I'm working
with some serious hardware limitations right now...
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
club, so I think we're still technically here, but we are drifting...
if deb would like, I imagine we could move this to grrltalk
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
r there (which is rarely)
usually the second or third one I click on does
but then the laws of probability don't tend to apply much to me or
something :)
I posted up two..you might try music (which I know one is from)
also, there was one in computers somewhere...but I don't think it w
In other words, if I want to see adult themes, and there are random porno
shots in the screen shots, that's one thing...If I want to see music et
al, that's a totally different thing...
It's not exactly about whether or I want to see it -- it's about the
le very often or both. You can always try to use it to
> transfer their interest where you want it to. It quite often
> works. Also if you reverse the sexes.
Um. what country do you live in? And can I move there?
Being *female* causes (for some definition of cause that isn't exactly
it's weekly world news, isn't that synonymous?
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Blackjax wrote:
> http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/stories/1476.html
> I certainly hope this is a joke.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
personal lives
than public lives, I guess...
hmm..am I missing something?
Vinnie (not living up to the rfl name? :) )
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
ese are all the
things that need to be done. I'll do all of these if you'll do all of
these' -- being read into the artical..
This was my /. quote today, though..it's bad when you find yourself
wondering if a random database was trolling :)
> The duration of passion is pr
for a therapist)
> Society encourages a lot of things we dislike. Just remember that we're
> all part of the society, even the outsiders. What I'm trying to say
> here is: I have seen the enemy and it is us.
Yeah, mobs are different from individuals, and that gets confusing, darn
it! :)
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
work' -- and again, if a particular set of individuals don't mind that,
then that's fine -- it just shouldn't be considered the one right way..
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http:/
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, J B wrote:
> I was always taught that a woman's place was wherever she wanted to beof
> course my mother was one of the first feministshe had the picture of the
> woman peeing in the urinal on her bathroom wall in the mid 70's....
;t so busy
(what I wanna know is how comments like 'big honkin' penis' get moderated
up to two...)
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
own comments [I have *never* been moderated up,
something which amuses me...I dunno, maybe I really am that pointless])
blah, I'm babbling now.
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Nicole wrote:
> > but has anyone noticed the poll?
> >
> > I'd be annoyed, if I weren't so b
eans I have to read at something under 2 which takes so much
annoying *time* )
> You're assuming that they were actually posted by women.
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
scouts or womens-clubs-at-church, not to mention a billion different
mailing lists, etc...
I'm not a lawyer, though, and I don't have the time to go play one right
now..anyone with real legal experience have a comment? :)
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies
clear we're related -- we have the same basic facial
and body types, but I have my father's colouring)
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
know how to get from here to there..I was thinking on the plane about how
the human ability to generalize (i.e. to see a class of 'tree' as opposed
/this object with leaves/ and /that object with leaves/) gives us so much,
but screws us over with people
this was going somewhere, but
id, and you're male, and the two may not have
much to do with eachother :P
> hmmm what is wrong with having a male "ruled" world? and why should women
> have equal rights?
Um..dear, one of the first rules of using vinnie tactics is a little thing
called 'timing' -- th
olks complain when it puts a few
rules on it, even though the humans have many many rules on them...
I did tell you I figured out that I could stomach a lassie faire free
enterprise system if the government got completely out and no longer
allowed business owners to hide behind their 'corpora
the difficulties of proving a
negative are well documented.
And that still showed a lack of tact (which I know is pointless to
complain to you about, but you *really* ought to start thinking about
> exactly :)
well then why were you asking which men? It was clear she meant all of
rate' decisions -- i.e. if I,
Vinnie, choose to break a law, I, Vinnie, get punished. If a corporation
breaks a law (meaning the people behind the corporation) the corporation
gets smacked (and it's rather limited what you can do...often times fines
don't even make a dent in the increase
I don't think it was is because I know you,
from anyone else I'd just assume trollishness)
Can anyone else make this clearer? I get the feeling I'm missing
the point.
> but they are all diffrent..
but they are all individuals!
Reality is a formal
ca we have
> enforced passenger railroad compitition... I'm so glad that If I decided
> that Amtrack was doing a horrible job I could compete with them.. or
> heck.. if I wanted to start a mail system to compete with the us postal
> system.. ahhh yes... I'm soo glad we have these
ssion, out of email
> wheee kill all the white people (kidding :) )
> ahh bugs.. probably the most advanced creature in terms of darwanism..
> they survive anything.. yet are so low on the chain...
> and with the advent of computers.. a whole new species of bugs have come
(trains/postal) are limited to the government, rather than limited *by*
the government.
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, curious wrote:
> If OS/2 was marketable enough of a product... it wouln't have had to be
> dumpted... however Microsoft's marketing unfortunatly won... I'm surprised
> your being so defensive of IBM... if any company could be acused of being
> strong armed against compeditors.
how is this self
> defense?
it's not...I never said it was...I said that MS was not defending itself
against IBM
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
t.. I'm
Yeah, but that's not important in this debate (the point is that yes, they
are a monopoly, but it's not related to the MS case)
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~dra
> I don't follow you here... blah
The attitudes I was speaking of were anti-DOJ/US action against MS, not
necessarily how one feels about MS themselves
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
been the experience...
I dunno..I understand what you mean about malpractice suits -- my mom is a
nurse, it does suck that malpractice costs are what they are. The
difficulty is finding the balance between holding medical professionals
responsible and not bankrupting the good ones...
On We
oops, I should probably check threads next time :P
(still, the point stands, since you *were* using microway as an example,
earlier. but I think I'll shut up now, since I really am sick of trying to
explain this)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, curious wrote:
> microway (www.microway.com) has good prices, good hardware.. though they
> focus mostly on alpha based systems
out of curiousity, which part of intel compatible don't you understand?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
t/secretarial stuff) that I
had to wear a dress. Since part of my job was running up and down ladders in the
warehouse to get things, this struck me as a really bad idea (tm) -- so I asked him
if he'd wear a dress (well he said...)
He let me wear a suit and tie with the rest of the guys :P
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