On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> (Same way I expect the skin that's falsely called 'yellow' to be over
> Oriental-type features, and 'white' to be over Caucasian shapes.)

> the plumbing system being 'wrong', or noone having vegemite, but not 
> that. You know?

Yeah....you're not the only one -- it's surprising (or maybe not) how many
people, when confronted with white skin over asian bone structure, think
(and say, aregh) 'down's syndrome' -- i still get the comment from time to
time, but never *after* I open my mouth <g> and my friends all think
people who say such are nuts, which just makes me suspect it's in the
category of 'things people don't consciously want to admit'

(for the record I'm a quarter japanese, and if you stick me next to my
mother it's *very* clear we're related -- we have the same basic facial
and body types, but I have my father's colouring)


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