On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Simon Britnell wrote:

> be there, but couldn't see a way to cut the emotion, so I just labelled
> it "hazardous content" and left it.

For what it's worth, I thought it was a fair way of handling the
situation. My definition of flaming includes the attack being redirected
at people rather than ideas, so I didn't really think we went there.
<shrug> I imagine we could debate the definition of flame, but I don't
consdier it that important :P

> I agree, but I never argue with anyone when I'd be just as happy to hide
> their body :) (no, I haven't ever done that).  You can't reason with the
> unreasonable.


friends help you move
real friends help you move...bodies

> I don't think Robs article is bad reasoning per'se.  I think probably
> more based on poor assumptions.  In some cases, maybe even the
> assumptions aren't that poor.  People live in relationships I wouldn't
> dream of.  Whos to say nobodys happy in an "engineered" one.

True enough. Heck, I'm told women even date men sometimes <gdrlh!>

(yes, that really was a joke)

> 1) Do difficult things you value rather than easy things you enjoy.
> Trying to make myself happy never worked.  It wasn't until I started
> doing things I admired that life got better.

absolutely :) There is definetly a difference between living and *living*,
and for me, if I"m not doing the latter, the former is truly
pointless...(unfortunetly it makes for a life story no one will believe :P
) One of my favorite poems is 'Curiousity' by Alister Reid (I may have
mispelled any of those words except 'by' :) ) -- good stuff to live by.

> 2) Talk to ambulance people about failed suicides.  The percentage of
> suicide attempts that make a mistake and end up maiming themselves
> instead is suprising.  I don't fear death.  Disability is another
> matter.

That, and the fact that a botched suicide attempt may very well mean being
locked up and drugged again. Life is definetly not worth living without

Mostly I won't allow myself to kill myself because of the consequences
should I not succeed (being locked up and drugged, plus any after effects)
and because I am not making anyone tell nathan (my bson) that is idiot
bmother killed herself. This would be bad. 

> imho, the person who gives you the most sh*t is yourself.  Cultural
> norms are insidious like that.  Nobody gives me any crap about not
> wanting to settle down and raise a family except me.  I still think it's
> "cultural conditioning" that's responsible, but I'm still the one
> dishing out the angst.

Sort of -- a lot of cultural conditioning does lead to that. As I said
above though, there are those who are rather vocal about making *everyone*
toe thier line, and there are a number of people who will give you shit
(of course, since I cut my hair last night, I"m getting more shit than
usual...something about having a fade apparently screams 'dyke' to right
wing idiots in a way that having merely short hair does not..on one hand,
I've only gotten two comments today..OTOH, I really don't want to hear
any! :) )

> I'm not entirely sure how one goes about taking care of oneself
> emotionally.  I introspect a lot, but it doesn't necessarily make me
> happy.

Yeah. If you ever figure it out, be sure to give me the clue, too :P I
spend way too much time introspecting, and occasionaly wonder if it's part
of my problem. Lately I've just been trying to take care of myself
physically and things have looked a little better, but it's too soon for
me to trust that it's going to stay better (I can be such a pessemist at
times :) )

> Therapy is over-rated.  The nurturers in these cases get depressed
> because they think they're failing.

Not to mention bad therapy can be worse than no therapy at all.

And sometimes it's really hard to tell a bad therapist if one is already
having problems (and if one wasn't, then one probably wouldn't be looking
for a therapist)

> Society encourages a lot of things we dislike.  Just remember that we're
> all part of the society, even the outsiders.  What I'm trying to say
> here is:   I have seen the enemy and it is us.

Yeah, mobs are different from individuals, and that gets confusing, darn
it! :)

Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
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