On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, curious wrote:
> They came up with an operating system that would run on intel based
> hardware... that people would want to run the applications they also
> wanted to run.
<cough> you mean they bought an OS that the guy who wrote it now regrets
writing...and the rest of your sentence doesn't parse
> what practice do you consider to be illeagle that they commited?
um...I *know* you haven't been under a rock for the past two years...
Chris, I love you, but if you're going to debate something as well
documented as the MS-DOJ thing, at least do your own research.
> Microsoft didn't "force" the vendors to agree to this.. the hardware
> venders did this so they could get cheaper pricing...
My parents didn't force me to come across country for a custody hearing
two years ago, either....I'll grant that there's a difference between
decisions made because there is an actual gun to your head, situations
where there are no choices at all, and situations where the decision is
made based on long term survival vs destruction...but I don't consider the
difference to be significant.
> Companies that don't agree with microsoft have managed to stay in
> busniess.. look at sun, redhat, corel, be, etc...
That dude in Wallingford only killed two people, he didn't kill
*everyone*...look at all those people he spared
> Ahh yes the evil train people... I'm SOOO glad that in america we have
> enforced passenger railroad compitition... I'm so glad that If I decided
> that Amtrack was doing a horrible job I could compete with them.. or
> heck.. if I wanted to start a mail system to compete with the us postal
> system.. ahhh yes... I'm soo glad we have these laws..
That is a different issue and you know it (I hope)
<rest clipped>
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