On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Jennifer Steinbachs wrote:

> On the other hand, does one really want to hide behind
> initials?  And then, sooner or later, people will know
> the name that goes with those initials...

Definetly, but most people, most of the time, are working on unconcious
bias. While there are a few people who will freak out and change their
minds about the merit of your facts/arguments/opinions/etc most tend to go
'd'oh' and either pretend it didn't matter (or maybe it really didn't,
it's often hard to tell) or chalk you up as 'different' than other females
or else actually face their unconcious bias.

Either of these, ultimately, works towards showing the reality of the
bias, and therefore fights it.

just my opinion, though ;P

V. (guerilla gender warfare?)

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