On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yes, but I /do/ that. I buy two or three pairs of pants a year - and
> wear them till they're just about dead in the crotch then buy another
> two or three pairs. The previous year's set will do for emergencies till
> they die completely, by which time the others are fit only for
> emergencies...
> I was just hoping someone had a better plan. I keep hearing about people
> who have had jeans for decades, and wonder what I'm doing wrong.
thighs that rub together are bad for jeans. it sucks...
some ideas: I buy jeans and pants (when possible...these often don't look
'nice' enough, but in non-bluejean colours [like browns/tans/kahki/black]
can pass as 'business casual' with appropriate shirts) that are meant for
work -- these things are hard (not impossible) to destroy without trying
-- I can't think of any brand names off the top of my head, but if you go
to Sears or Kmart and head back to the back of the mens section they're
there (um..don't know the non-US counterparts..dunno how widespread sears
is..). These last about a year, maybe two for me, instead of the more
usual six months. (I have problems with the crotch, knees and hems -- I've
also discovered that if I hem long I can then hem short a few months
later, so if I don't run the knees or crotch out it makes the pants last a
bit longer. BTW, these don't feel nice (they are stiff and scratchy, in my
opinion, but I can be really picky) in the store at all, but after a few
washes are fine.
wearing boxers or boxer-briefs seems to help the crotch thing. ymmv, don't
ask me why it worked, but it did. it also means that no guy will hit on
you when you're doing your laundry at hte laundromat. soemtimes solutions
are really random :)
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