On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, J B wrote:

> Not in my house!!!!

heh. in my house the female *always* does the housework

okay, so I live alone.. <g> (well, with a female cat, but she *never*
helps :) )

> My SO and I share housework equally....or I do it while she is off running 
> with the kids.
> And my exwife never did ANY housework...if we wanted clean clothes....I did 
> them.  If we wanted clean dishes, I washed 'em.

The point is that that is the exception -- becoming less so, but the
'rule' (in this case, more common situation) is that housework is 'women's
work' -- and again, if a particular set of individuals don't mind that,
then that's fine -- it just shouldn't be considered the one right way..


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