On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, curious wrote:
> Ohh.. on the contrary... before I try to figure out in my head how equal
> humanity is to be achived.. it's helpful to find out if it's nessary to
> begin with... the best people to ask such a question to are usualy the
> people fighting for it.
rule number 3 is don't use them on me!
I'm going to license my debating techniques, I swear. And the license will
read 'These techniques are GPL'd, unless your name is Chris Koontz, in
which case, you can't use them, so nyah'
That said :)
You know enough about my philosophy to know that the permanant tree isn't
really up (I'm still back with why I shoudln't kill you, and why you
shouldn't kill me) so I"m using the stop gap tree, which isn't nearly as
robust, though is probably more robust than the average bear's. And the
answer on that tree is rather simple. Why should they not? Why should some
people have more power than others simply on terms of gender? Why does sex
I can't prove why sex *shouldn't* matter -- the difficulties of proving a
negative are well documented.
And that still showed a lack of tact (which I know is pointless to
complain to you about, but you *really* ought to start thinking about
> exactly :)
well then why were you asking which men? It was clear she meant all of
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
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