On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Julie wrote:
> enough to be my mother and lives in another state ...) and a lesbian
> separatist also has kind things to say about some men.
Agreed. I didn't mean to suggest that lesbian separatist==man hater either
> I don't know about "philosophy" and "practice". I think lesbian
> separatism is only noticible because men believe they have the
> right to women's energy. Remove that belief from the male
> belief system (and from the belief systems men internalize into
> women) and suddenly lesbian separatism evaporates into
> thin air.
Well, it depends on how you define it, and I don't do semantics arguments.
Esspecially not about separatism
> Could you ellaborate on that?!? I'm friends with a number of
> seps (as well as an ex-lover of one) and can't think of any
> definition by which a lesbian separatist isn't a lesbian.
the mainstream definition of 'lesbian' is a woman who has sex (usually
exclusively or primarily) with other women.
Some seps (i've known a few) do not have sex with women -- they don't have
sex with men, either. They may be attracted to men but not willing to deal
with the inevitable power issues in a heterosexual relationship, they may
simply not be interested in sex. By separatist standards they are lesbian
separatists, but by mainstream standards they aren't lesbians.
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