On Thu, 7 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Every time the issue of women in computing comes up in slashdot, the
> comments from the male geeks fall into two categories:
> 1. female geeks are lightweights and don't code obsessively enough
> 2. I wish more females geeks were socially/sexually available to me
> They're going to have to pick one or the other. Duh.
hmm..I think you might be on to something there..I'm gonna have to think
about this one :)
that would make some of those comments (the ones about how horrible the
topics were) last week make sense -- I mean, they might have made sense if
we were talking about linus's pecs or something <g> but I couldn't make
sense of them in light of the fact that all of the topics were
intelligent, though not necessarily geek related...
Vinnie (stating the obvious?)
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org