On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The trick is, the commitment doesn't come from everyone. It certainly doesn't
> come from clueless HNGs (horny net geeks).
> It /does/ come from many of the older, wiser, more sensible members of the
> community, both male and female.
Okay, totally off topic, but can we *please* chill with the ageist
comments -- I'm twenty one, and I know there are at least five people here
younger than I, and none of *us* are, to my knowledge posting themes or
anything else containing gratuitous naked females (or males) anywhere.
It has nothing to do with age, something to do with a lack of respect and
probably something to do with not actually getting any in real life :)
> Yes, I'm generalising. But in every endeavour in life - Linux is not immune
> - there are those who are still young enough, male and female, to be primarily
> interested in sex (or mate-location).
It's not being primarily interested in sex or mate location that's the
problem -- heh, ask deirdre what my favorite after work phrase is (try: I
need a girlfriend!) -- it's about respecting others and keeping things in
appropriate places. I don't care how horny you are, pin-up girls aren't
appropriate cubical decorations at work, and gratuitous naked girls aren't
*really* appropriate when showing what a theme looks like.
> People who have passed that point tend to let the 'youngsters' have their
> own little clique-spaces to play, and go into the kitchen to chat over
> coffee. Want to come join us in the kitchen, and let the youngsters play
> with their naked-girl (or wedding bells) themes?
it's not naked girl themes that are the problem (or at least, all of the
problem) -- it's that in many *non* adult themes, there are gratuitous
pictures of naked or nearly naked women (never men) in the screenshot.
What I'm trying to think of right now is how to deal with it...
When we were discussing pornography (part of a number of threads that I
suddenly dropped, and I apologize for that..life got a little too busy) we
got to the point where everyone (okay, I'm exaggerating) jumps and starts
screaming about laws and censorship, when I hadn't even said anything
about laws or censorship..and it's a worthwhile debate to have...and this
does tie in -- in that it is a bad thing and it can't (or at least
shoudln't) be dealt with with censorship..the question being what to do
about it...
sorry if this isn't making a whole hell of a lot of sense, I quit smoking
yesterday and now my head hurts and I can't seem to get thoughts through
it..I hate that...aregh..but this really is important, I think
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org