On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, curious wrote:
> I hardly consider the tenique to be unique.. mind you.. I've been reading
> atlas shrugged lately.. she is definatly one who works everything from the
> ground up... which is how I like things :) even If I use my own "stop gap
> trees sometimes :) )
Not arguing from the ground up -- turning a debate around by questioning
an already accepted premise. And you're right, it's not particularly
unique (though it's a little less common, than say, the ''cos my god said
so' tactic)
> The average bear operates mostly from instinct.. they seemed to have
> survived quite well.. maybe there is a lesson in here somewhere..
> shrugs...
The average bear believes in might-is-right and I don't think that's a
lesson I agree with (which is a completely different philosophical debate
that I'm not prepared for today)
And you *know* that wasn't what I meant anyway..
> well if your happy with using the negatives of a question as an answer you
> may as well be content to use "because" as an answer for everything...
oh please!
Equality is less-arbitrary than any given non-equal definition, and you
know that!
> please explain what it was exactly I did wrong/untactful in private
I'm going to in public because I don't have a whole lot of time to put out
on this today...basically this is *not* the forum for debating whether or
not women should have equal rights nor is the forum for educating you as
to the reasons why women feel they should have equal rights. There's
plenty of info on those two topics out there. You know that if you had
researched the whys and wherefores and had specific questions, I'd answer
them as best I could, but to walk in and, with all privilege, ask *why*
women should have equal rights, in teh face of the fact that this isn't
the forum for it and for most of us here, it's hardly a philospohical,
theoretical question, was rather stupid. It came perilously close to
trolling (and the only reason I don't think it was is because I know you,
from anyone else I'd just assume trollishness)
<sigh> Can anyone else make this clearer? I get the feeling I'm missing
the point.
> but they are all diffrent..
but they are all individuals!
Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
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