On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Nicole Zimmerman wrote:

> I have been working with a woman in the extended degree program named
> "chris". I know she's a woman because I've seen her and dealt with her for
> a while, but I can ONLY imagine how unnerving it must be to get e-mail
> requests for support addressed to "Mr. Chris ...". It would drive me
> insane!

It doesn't bother me, really. Well, occasionally I'll throw out that I'm
female to unbalance people in debates (biosex as an offensive weapon?) but
normally I just don't care *what* gender people think I am (well, it bugs
when people assume I'm a straight female..I haven't figured out entirely

> Her full name is Christina (I believe) and really, Chris fits her a lot
> better. I guess it's weird how name assumptions work... and how much names
> have been polarised into "boy names" and "girl names". What do we do with
> the left over names like Chris, Kelly, etc?

<nodnod> one of these days I'm going to change my name to something a bit
more gender neutral (well, *I* think 'Jordan Dakota Catron' is gender
neutral...but then, I also think vinnie is a 'girl's name' so... :P )

> It drives me nuts to have my name spelled wrong, let alone have someone
> assume it's of a different gender... I can't imagine how you deal with it
> (other than getting used to it, like having your name spelled wrong ;o)).

It doesn't bother me at all...actually (as deirdre will attest) I get
people thinking I'm male in person (and usually about 12 years old, on top
of that...<sigh> I've actually had people accuse me of faking my own ID :P
) and, personally, I think this is a good thing (well, okay, in an ideal
world we'd get closer to my actual age, but...) 

I like screwing with people's heads on gender, though..I'm just evil :)

> This is semi off topic, I know, but names are interesting things. :o)



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