On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, curious wrote:

> If a corporation breaks a law.. what would you like to see happen... going
> for an extreme here... if microsoft hires an assasan to kill Linus.. what
> should happen?

How about the actual people behind the decisions are punished? Jail time,
personal fines (as opposed to corporate fines) etc. How about the
abolition of the legal idea of a corporation (okay, now I"m getting really
radical :) and this isn't the place for it, I know)

> releases of patches that might be nessary immedatly.. which are released
> slow enough as it is...

two questions: 

1. Do you know what the most likely things that will happen are?
2. Are you coming up with these arguments yourself or are you pulling them
off someone else's stuff?

> see how the split is going to help anything.. if they are split they will
> still be working as one.. only this time microsoft will have more heads...

This *is* true..I have a friend who is 'in the know' as it were, and
apparently MS has been preparing for a split ever since the DOJ stuff
first started (which is only logical, really)

> well I don't feel completly alone in my anti-MS yet libertarian views..
> since Eric Raymond seems to share alot of them :)

um...you shouldn't...it's not anti-MS we're talking about..it's anti-DOJ

> when you say corpoations aren't natural.. do you mean in terms of an
> organization that distributes it's profits to others? or perhaps where
> many individuals make the whole of the company? or where people have
> varying levels of say in a company? sounds to me to be alot like a
> family... or perhaps families aren't 'natural'.. hmmms now there is an
> intresting concept :).. paperwise, yes a corporation is a government
> "concept" though they are founded in many ways on natural ideas...

How about the concept that a business is a legal entity entitiled to
rights and responsiblities separate from those who run it.

> keeping what out?

this discussion, out of email

> wheee kill all the white people (kidding :) )


> ahh bugs.. probably the most advanced creature in terms of darwanism..
> they survive anything.. yet are so low on the chain... 
> and with the advent of computers.. a whole new species of bugs have come
> to take over the world :)


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