On Tue, 3 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Assume this is true. It implies that the method used to get sex, or
> girlfriends, or a wife, etc.. is programmatic. I.e. this things are
> predictable and can be behaviourally controlled, and that humans can be
> trained to do them. This is a depressing viewpoint coming from an
> anarchistic thinker such as ESR.
On some reflection (read: I was thinking about this whilst playing pacman
and waiting for my lunch to be ready) I think you may have hit closer to
the nail than I have. I don't think ESRs problem is with women per se. I
haven't seen behavior from him that suggests that he values women coders,
as coders less than men coders (I'll readily admit I don't have many data
points for consideration, though). However, I think that there is this
societal meme of objectifying the object of your (sexual) desires. Men in
particular are socialized to do this, but I do see both straight and
lesbian women doing this as well, from time to time. This leads to seeing
the object of one's desires, and more generally, the whole group of people
that one consders 'desireable' (though one probably does not desire every
individual within that group) as sort of programmable automatons, rather
than people with feelings, thoughts and desires both similar and
dissimilar from one's own. ESR is both logical enough, socially inept
enough (said descriptively -- I'm socially inept in many of the same ways
-- not pejoritively) and reasonably good at expressing himself in writing
(I can't remember the word I wanted here..grr) he merely manages to make
the normal obvious.
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