Messages by Thread
EASY access to the ILL beam time (April 2008)
SUARD Emmanuelle
Stephen's anisotropic microstrain parameters in GSAS
Franz Werner
Crystallography/MS Word Question: 3 bar
Brian H. Toby
Von Dreele, Robert B.
RIET: 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School - Sharing our knowledge
Lachlan Cranswick
William Bisson
Line profile equation
João Batista Santos Barbosa
Disruption in service for CCP14
William Bisson
Re: Molecular Radii
Alan Hewat
RIET: Alberta Powder Diffraction Workshop, 14th May to 16th May 2008
Lachlan Cranswick
Reynolds Cup 2008
RC 2008 Competition
Powder Diffraction and Rietveld Refinement School, Durham
Ivana R Evans
crystals that contains noble gases
Tirosh, Shay
Williamson-Hall Plot use in TOF data
Ling Fei Zhang
Winplotr - microstructural calculation reg
Murugesan S
Bill L Reese/U-Houston/ExxonMobil is out of the office.
bill . l . reese
problem with IRF file
Maria Orlova
Williamson _ Hall plot in Winplotr - reg
Murugesan S
Reynolds Cup 2008 announcement
RC 2008 Competition
question about PowPref, GSAS
David Lee
LAMP installation
William Bisson
inclusion of organic template with GSAS
Ramadas Sunil Pophale
How to obtain help from the Rietveld list server
Alan Hewat
Stanislaw Gierlotka
Peter Tzvetkov
X-ray data on organic compouds
Francois Goutenoire
Igor Djerdj
FullProf on Ubuntu 7.10
Wenduo Zhou
RIET: Larry Calvert travel awards to IUCr 2008, Osaka, Japan
Lachlan Cranswick
Jorge González
Jorge Gonzalez
high-temperature chambers for XRD
Angel L. Ortiz
possible measurement at spare time
Wojciech Paszkowicz
FullProf site and FullProf School
FPSchool-2008 @ ILL
Workshop on Powder Diffraction with 2-Dimensional Detectors
Alan Hewat
Difference Fourier Map/GSAS
Telepeni Irvin
Scintag PAD V
Kaduk, Jim A
Hyper Lorentzian peak shape
Francois Goutenoire
María Ángeles Tena Gómez
RIET: New version of XRD2DScan for analysing 2D diffraction data
Lachlan Cranswick
RIET: IUCr Teaching Commission Newsletter on-line - November 2007 2nd edition
Lachlan Cranswick
X-ray scattering contrast Fe/Cu
Franz Werner
Kapton capillaries
Omotoso, Oladipo
Sources of standard reference materials
Ross Williams
High temperature PXRD fitting in TOPAS
sisir ray
Absolute structure from powder data?
Franz Werner
Shannon tables
Simon Billinge
Maxim Lobanov
Whitfield, Pamela
new GSAS
Von Dreele, Robert B.
Job opportunity in X-ray and neutron diffraction: Necsa
Andrew Venter
Job Opportunity in XRD at PANalytical USA
iuliana . cernatescu
Job Opportunity ion XRD at PANalytical USA
iuliana . cernatescu
Le Bail vs Rietveld for crystallite size and cell parameters?
Sergey V. Ushakov
Sealant for Sapphire Capillaries
RIET: November 2007 issue of the IUCr Computing Commission newsletter on-line
Lachlan Cranswick
Bruker Gobel Mirrors
Tim Hyde
RIET: Pre-Osaka 2008 IUCr Congress donations to Larry Calvert CNC/IUCr Trust Fund Award
Lachlan Cranswick
John Karagiannis/Athens/Gr/Cement/Lafarge is out of the office.
Data analysis of XMCD
pankaj sagdeo
FPSchool-2008 @ ILL: 1st announcement
FPSchool-2008 @ILL
RIET: Re: Data Conversion Software
Lachlan Cranswick
software request for calculating FWHM
Murugesan S
How to add a molecule in GSAS?
Telepeni Irvin
Errata: School/workshop announcement: Magnetic Structure Determination, 14-17 Jan 2008, Oxfordshire, UK
Daoud-Aladine, MA (Aziz)