Dear Colleagues, The 4th biennial Reynolds Cup competition for quantitative mineral analysis is now open. You can register by sending an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Information about the competition including guidelines and previous competitions can be found at . Please use the following format when registering: Subject: Please put “Reynolds Cup 2008 registration” in the subject line in your email request Body: In the body of the email please put the following information: Name: Institution/organization: Shipping address: (that works for DHL delivery, e.g. physical address not Postal Box) Phone number (for delivery): Email address: A total of sixty sets of samples are available for distribution. Each set comprises three samples with mineral mixtures commonly found in sedimentary rocks. All 60 samples will be distributed in the order of registration. To avoid delivery problems during the holidays, all samples will be sent out January 2nd (by DHL). The deadline for submission of the results is March 15, 2008. The top three contestants with the most accurate results will be announced at the 45th annual meeting of the Clay Mineral Society in New Orleans (April 5-10 2008). Only the names of the top three contestants will be published. The names of the other participants will remain confidential. The competition is open to anyone interested in quantitative mineral analysis. Because of the popularity of the Reynolds Cup and the enormous amount of work put in its preparation, potential participants are strongly encouraged to plan ahead and only request samples if they are sure they can complete the analysis and return results to the organizers by the due date. Those who request samples and do not send in results or return the samples unopened WELL BEFORE the due date will not be eligible to participate in future Reynolds Cups. A waiting list will be kept to offer returned samples to other potential participants. To ensure an even wider exposure, we encourage you to forward this announcement to your national mailing lists and mineralogy associations & to colleagues and friends who might be interested in participating. We are looking forward to your participation! Sincerely, Dougal McCarty & Edwin Zeelmaekers - the Reynolds Cup 2008 organizers _________________________________________________________________ i’m is proud to present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a difference.