Miguel Yes they are quite fragile (although you can dip the wire in the collodion several times to build up the thickness) but they can usually be filled. One method to do this is to only slide the capillary half off the wire and then by holding the wire you can dip the cellulose end in the powder. Sometimes you can also pack the powder in by using another wire as a kind of "ram-rod". Then by cutting the wire (but keeping the cellulose still attached) you can mount the wire into the goniometer head for your diffractometer. Mike
Professor A M Glazer Department of Physics Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PU United Kingdom Tel/Fax: 44 1865 272290 ****************************************** Professor of Physics Official Fellow & Tutor of Jesus College Oxford Crystallographer Aviator ****************************************** -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 18 November 2007 09:32 To: rietveld_l@ill.fr Subject: RE: Kapton capillaries Mike, I tried to make cellulose capillaries as well, but my product came out to be quite fragile. Also, I couldn't find an easy way to fill them. Do you know the tricks? Miguel On 17 Nov 2007 at 10:12, Michael Glazer wrote: > > There is an old method that I used to use for capillaries that you may > useful. Take a metal wire of appropriate diameter and dip it into collodion > (nitrocellulose dissolved in acetone), allow it to dry. > Then stretch the wire with pliers and slip off the cellulose > capillary. This is cheap, quick, has very low scatter and of course you can > make it to whatever size you want. > > Mike Glazer > > > > From: Andy Fitch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: 17 November 2007 07:29 > To: rietveld_l@ill.fr > Subject: Re: Kapton capillaries > Goodfellows www.goodfellow.com > Cole-Parmer http://www.coleparmer.com/ > > See also "A rapidly filled capillary mount for both dry powder and > polycrystalline slurry samples". > R. B. Von Dreele. J. Appl. Cryst. (2006). 39 , 124-126 > > Andy > > > At 19:49 16/11/2007, you wrote: > Could someone please suggest a source for purchasing kapton capillaries? > A search on > the internet drew a blank. > > Thanks. > > Dipo Omotoso > > > -- Miguel Gregorkiewitz Dip Scienze della Terra, Università via Laterina 8, I-53100 Siena, Europe fon +39'0577'233810 fax 233938 email [EMAIL PROTECTED]