Dear all, The ILL has decided to change the Web pages and there is a huge number of links that are broken. This is unfortunate but we hope they will be repaired progressively. Unfortunately the people that started the construction of the Web page have copied a version of the FullProf Suite in a strange site that Radovan Cerny found exploring the new ILL page and he post that site to the Rietveld list. This site has the URL: _ This site contains a wrong version of the FullProf Suite and is not accessible to the FullProf developers. We hope the the site is no more accessible from the ILL Web page! The good files of the FullProf Suite can be accessed at When the user types the above address in his(her) browser it is now automatically transformed to: The good files are there! Due to the Web page changes, the site of the FullProf School, to be held at ILL next February 11-15 (2008), was not accessible during some time. Now the site is accessible by using the same mechanism as for the FullProf site. The URL is: We are sorry for the inconveniences The local organizing committee of FPSchool - 2008 Juan RODRIGUEZ-CARVAJAL, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Marie-Hélène LEMÉE-CAILLEAU, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gabriel CUELLO, [EMAIL PROTECTED] _________________________________________________________________________ FPSchool - 2008 1st ILL annual school on Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatement using the FULLPROF Suite 11-15 February 2008 Grenoble, France. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: _________________________________________________________________________