Dear Franz,

As far as I know it is not possible, even by using multiple
wavelengths at a synchrotron. The problem is nothing to do with
reflection overlap in the sense of overlapping peaks of different d
spacings, but due to the direct overlap of reflections with the same d
spacing. The problem is that you have collapsed 3D information into 1D
in a powder experiment - the 3D diffraction information that enables
one to determine absolute configuration is lost in this process.

Jeremy Karl Cockcroft

On 14/11/2007, Franz Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Rietvelders
> Is it in principle impossible to determine the absolute structure from powder 
> data due to reflection overlap or is there a way via multiple wavelength 
> diffraction experiments?
> Thanks for your advice.
> Regards
> Franz Werner
> --
> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
> Der kann`s mit allen:

Dr Jeremy Karl Cockcroft
Department of Chemistry
(University College London)
Christopher Ingold Laboratories
20 Gordon Street
London WC1H 0AJ
+44 (0) 20 7679 1004   (laboratory)
+44 (0) 7981 875 829 (mobile)
6 Wellington Road
West Sussex
RH12 1DD
+44 (0) 1403 256946

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