>From Dr Giovanna CICOGNANI (ILL Scientific Coordination Manager ) Dear Colleague,
We'd like to draw your attention to the workshop on Powder Diffraction with 2-Dimensional Detectors (PD2DD) to be held in Grenoble at the ILL/ESRF site on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 February 2008. Please see http://www.ill.fr/dif/PD2DD/ for more details and registration, and use the email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for all queries. This workshop aims to discuss the scientific applications of powder diffraction using detectors with 2-dimensional sensitivity, in particular large area and large solid-angle detectors. While mainly concerned with neutron powder diffraction, the workshop will include some presentations dealing with x-ray diffraction. The scientific domains center on condensed matter structural studies: nano-materials, disordered crystals, Pair-Distribution Function (PDF) analysis, materials chemistry, structural kinetics, texture and strain, magnetism, materials under extreme conditions, Earth materials, superconductivity. Instruments discussed include 3 neutron diffractometers at the ILL: D19, (Super-)D2B, and a proposed high-flux diffractometer, as well as neutron diffractometers at ISIS (U.K.), FRM-II (Munich), ANSTO (Australia), SNS (USA), and a few synchrotron x-ray diffractometers (ESRF, Grenoble). Although the emphasis of the workshop is on the scientific results and future possibilities using 2-dimensional detectors in powder diffraction, some presentations will also discuss the technical aspects of such detectors. The poster session is aimed towards thesis students and postdocs, and the workshop will terminate with an open discussion. The preliminary programme includes the following invited speakers: Paul Attfield (Univ. Edinburgh, Scotland) Bruno Guerard (ILL, Grenoble) Veijo Honkimaki (ESRF, Grenoble) Reinhard Kampmann (GKSS, Germany) Holger Kohlmann (Univ. Saarland, Germany) Werner Kuhs (Univ. Goettingen, Germany) John Parise (Univ. New York, Stony Brook) Paolo Radaelli (ISIS, U.K.) Andrew Studer (ANSTO, Australia) Chris Tulk (SNS, Oak Ridge) Michele Zucali (Univ. Milano, Italy) The workshop is limited to a maximum of about 50 participants, of which approximately 30 can be given lodging in the on-site Guesthouse. We expect to be able to cover all Guesthouse expenses, and depending on financial support, there will be some reimbursement of travel expenses for invited speakers, and for students and postdocs. If participation demand is too great, a selection of participants might be made. ______________________________________________ Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +33.476.98.41.68 http://www.NeutronOptics.com/ ______________________________________________