sent of behalf of Alejandro Rodriguez Navarro ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
New version of XRD2DScan for analysing 2D diffraction data

XRD2DScan is a Windows software tool for displaying and analyzing
two-dimensional (2D) X-ray diffraction patterns of polycrystalline
samples collected using a diffractometer equipped with a 2D or area
detector (Image plate, CCD, Multy-wire). It is now available a new
version (2.0) of the sotware 


Gallery of some useful features at:

It is fully renovated, has new options and is much more powerful. Main
features of XRD2DScan software ( New version 2.0 available ) 

*       Automatic recognition of Bruker (SMART APEX, GADDS, PROTEUM),
 Oxford Diffraction (SAPPHIRE), Mar Research, ADSC, TIFF, BMP (New) data
 file formats from 256 x 256 to 2500 x 2500 pixels in size. In case you
 need other formats please contact the author.

*       2Theta and Psi scans from selected pixels within an angular or
 rectangular sector.

*       d-spacing as a function of Psi angle for selected Debye ring.

*       5 different centering procedures implemented.

*       Automatic background, peak search and peak integration in 2Theta
 and Psi scans.

*       Addition and substraction of 2D patterns

*       Logbook reporting all user actions and processed information

*       History window showing last loaded frames. (New)

*       Mineral database and automatic identification tool. (New)

*       Batch processing of an unlimited number of files 

*       Pole figure generation and analysis tool (New).

*       It allows the use of modern single-crystal diffractometers
 equipped with area detectors as sophisticated material research / powder

*       Custom features can be develop upon request.

*       Operating system: Windows 98, 2000, XP and Vista (New).


Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Contact outside working hours /
  Coordonnees en dehors des heures de travail:
NEW E-mail / courriel:  lc *at*
Home Tel: (613) 584-4226 ; Cell/mobile: (613) 401-6254
        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0

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