Dear Michaela,

At the end of our stay we prepared three samples which perhaps could be the 
basis of a future project. Two are of rare earth vanadates (part of a latrger 
series) in our own capillaries of diameter 0.3. We used this diameter believing 
that the heavy rare earths would make problems due to absorption if prepared in 
1 mm capillaries. Later, I realised that this diameter is not necessarily 
suitable because of high rotation speed - perhaps one could locate these 
capillaries inside larger capillaries to avoid the effect of bending during 
rotation? Or reduce the speed of rotation? (We had also a problem of centering 
the capilaries during mounting, we did it only roughly using wax it in a hurry 
because of the flight connection.) The third material is an organic requiring a 
good resolution to solve the structure, loaded into 1 mm capillary. It would be 
nice if the above samples were measured at some spare time at best with a 
statistics permitting for Rietveld calculations.

Please note that we have some conferences in Poland next year. I am involved in 
organisation, so if you'd like to come and had some questions, please do not 
hesitate to ask. 

I am sending essentially the same information to Irene, in order to avoid 

Best regards

 Wojciech Paszkowicz (PhD, DSc, Assoc.Prof.)
 Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
 Al. Lotnikow 32/46
 PL-02-668 Warsaw, Poland
 internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 phone OFFICE:  (+48) (0) 228436601-3301,
 phone LAB:        (+48) (0) 228436601-3526,
 internet phone (skype): wpaszk
 FAX:                  (+48) (0) 228430926
 11-th European Powder Diffraction Conference, Warsaw, POLAND, 19-22
 September 2008 

9th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural 
Science (ISSRNS 2008), Ameliowka, Poland, 15-20 June 2008
 Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
 Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society
 Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science (Bulletin of Polish Synchrotron
 Radiation Society)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Michela Brunelli Function analysis using X-rays and neutrons 
  Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 5:22 PM
  Subject: Reminder: Workshop on Total scattering Pair Distribution

  Dear All, 

          abstract submission deadline is: the 10th of August 2007.

  Workshop on Total scattering Pair Distribution Function analysis using X-rays 
and neutrons: 
  powder diffraction and complementary techniques 

  ESRF, Grenoble, France, 22nd - 23rd October 2007

  Traditional crystallography breaks down on the nanoscale and we need 
complementary technique such as PDF for nanostructured materials. Today, this 
is known as the "nanostructure problem". Total scattering PDF analysis from 
powder diffraction data cover areas of technological and material science 
relevance, and it is specially successful in the investigation of the 
atomic-scale structures of nanosized materials. The aim of the workshop is to 
bring together people involved in the development and implementation of the 
different Total Scattering data analysis strategies, for generalising the 
availability of these methods, via the sharing of knowledge, so that in the 
future this approach is routinely done together. A session on the future needs 
for beamlines at the ESRF will be included. 

  The meeting will be hosted by the ESRF in Grenoble, France and will take 
place on the 22nd and 23d of October 2007. The number of participants is 
limited and application is open till 1st of October, 2007. More detailed 
information, the course programme and instructions as to how to apply to attend 
the meeting can be found in our web pages:

  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this 
workshop. We look forward to seeing you in Grenoble!!

  Michela Brunelli

  on behalf of the organising committee: 

  Simon J. L. Billinge, Michigan State University, USA
  Stefan Brühne, Frankfurt University, Germany
  Michela Brunelli, ESRF, Grenoble, France


  Michela Brunelli
  BP 220 - 38043 Grenoble cedex
  ph. +33 (0)4 76 88 27 20
  fax +33 (0)4 76 88 29 07


  Michela Brunelli
  BP 220 - 38043 Grenoble cedex
  ph. +33 (0)4 76 88 27 20
  fax +33 (0)4 76 88 29 07

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