Hi Lachlan,
why not try a STOE-furnace ? The rotating capillary sticks out of the furnace and thus stays at room temperature. It works up to about 900°C and I use MoKa1-radiation for (almost) no absorption. :-D
Cheers, Julius

Hi All

I know this doesn't have direct application to rietveld work (well, I will be using it), but I am doing time-resolved powder XRD precipitation experiments in hydrothermal aqueous solutions using 1mm OD sapphire capillaries, a furnace mounted to our XRD and epoxy. I am curious whether there are other sealants people have used other than epoxy, or what type of epoxies people prefer. I'm looking at temperatures up to 300C.

Thanks for any help


- -
Lachlan C.W. MacLean, PhD.
Center for Environmental Kinetics Analysis
413 Deike Building
Pennsylvannia State University
University Park, PA 16801

fn:Dr. Julius  Schneider
n:Schneider;Dr. Julius 
org;quoted-printable:Earth- and Environmental Sciences, Crystallography Section;Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit=C3=A4t M=C3=BCnchen, Germany
adr;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:Theresienstrasse 41;;Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit=C3=A4t M=C3=BCnchen;M=C3=BCnchen;Bayern;D - 80333;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:+49 - 89 - 2180.4354
tel;fax:+49 - 89 - 2180.4334

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