Are you sure that you are not looking at parts of the unit cell that are symmetry-equivalent to the peaks found in FORSRH? You can also use the FORPLOT program to make 2-D plots to confirm that what FOX (or equivalently DRAWxtl) shows agrees with the internal GSAS representation.

On Nov 22, 2007, at 8:19 AM, Telepeni Irvin wrote:

Hi Vincent,

I meant:

(2) that the positions of your Fourier difference peaks are not the ones you see by looking a the 3D Fourier difference map (exported from gsas) in Fox ?
I guess I am using the latest version of both since I reinstalled  
everything just to make I was missing something important.
Even when I put D where GSAS thinks it should be (and where I hope  
it should be as well), then it turns out that this site or those  
sites are hardly occupied (and they are those to be supposingly  
where the scattering is from).


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