Hi ! I have worked with both methods in ZnO, I have found that it is easier work with Le Bail or Pawley when you are looking for size strain and lattice parameters, because you just need some data about the crystal structure. But this is just an specific case. Best wishes
Miguel Hesiquio-Garduño Profesor Titular "A" Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales Academia de Ciencias de la Ingeniería ESFM-IPN. tel 57 29 60 00 ext. 55003, ext. 55011 > Dear All, > > I was wondering if there are any advantages of using Rietveld vs Le Bail > refinements when crystallite size and cell parameters are the only > variables of interest? > > Thank you, > Sergey > > -- > Sergey Ushakov PhD > > Staff Research Associate > > Peter A Rock Thermochemistry Laboratory and NEAT ORU > University of California at Davis > One Shields Avenue, > Davis, CA 95616 > phone (530) 754-5863 > Fax (530) 752-9307 > __________________________________________________________ > This message was written entirely with recycled electrons. >