Dear Colleagues, It a pleasure to inform you that the 11-th European Powder Diffraction Conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland, 18-22 September 2008.
We are now in the process of fixing the Conference programme and we will begin collecting abstracts in February. For more information please visit our website: We would appreciate if you could distribute the information about EPDIC-11 among your co-workers who are not members of the Rietveld list. In the "Download" section of the website you can find a pdf file with an EPDIC-11 flyer. It can be printed out and displayed on the message board in your institution. I apologize for "not-exactly-on-topic" posting. Thank you. Stan Gierlotka EPDIC-11 Co-chairman Institute for High Pressure Physics "UNIPRESS" Polish Academy of Sciences Sokolowska 29/37 01-142 Warsaw, Poland Web: